
New Hart's rules : the Oxford style guide.

For over a hundred years, Hart's Rules has been the authority on style, helping writers and editors prepare copy for publication. The latest edition of this guide has been updated for the twenty-first century using the resources of Oxford Dictionaries and with the advice of publishing experts....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Waddingham, Anne, Ritter, R. M. (Robert M.)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, 2014.
Edición:Second edition / Anne Waddingham.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; NEW HART'S RULES:The Oxford Style Guide; Copyright; Preface; Contents; Editorial team; CHAPTER 1: The parts of a book; 1.1 General principles; 1.2 Preliminary matter; 1.2.1 Constituents; 1.2.2 Half-title; 1.2.3 Half-title verso; 1.2.4 Frontispiece; 1.2.5 Title page; 1.2.6 Title page verso; 1.2.7 Dedication; 1.2.8 Foreword; 1.2.9 Preface; 1.2.10 Acknowledgements; 1.2.11 Contents; 1.2.12 Lists of illustrations, figures, and maps; 1.2.13 List of tables; 1.2.14 List of abbreviations; 1.2.15 List of contributors; 1.2.16 Epigraph; 1.2.17 Other sections; 1.3 Text; 1.3.1 Volumes.
  • 1.3.2 The introduction1.3.3 Parts; 1.3.4 Chapters; 1.3.5 Sections and subsections; 1.3.6 Paragraphs; 1.3.7 Conclusion, epilogue, afterword; 1.4 End matter; 1.4.1 Appendix; 1.4.2 Glossary; 1.4.3 Endnotes; 1.4.4 Bibliography; 1.4.5 Index; 1.5 Folios and running heads; 1.5.1 Introduction; 1.5.2 Folio; 1.5.3 Running heads; 1.6 Errata slips; 1.7 Paper and book sizes; 1.7.1 Paper sizes; 1.7.2 Book sizes; 1.8 Even workings; CHAPTER 2:Preparing copy; 2.1 Definitions; 2.1.1 Introduction; 2.1.2 Copy-editing; 2.1.3 Design; 2.1.4 Typesetting; 2.1.5 Proofreading; 2.2 Making changes to copy.
  • 2.3 Editorial style and house style2.3.1 Editorial style and decision-making; 2.3.2 House style; 2.3.3 Editorial style sheets; 2.4 Marking proofs; 2.5 Technical issues for the copy-editor and proofreader; 2.5.1 Spacing; 2.5.2 General principles for typeset matter; CHAPTER 3:Spelling and hyphenation; 3.1 Spelling; 3.1.1 General principles; 3.1.2 British and US spelling; 3.1.3 Verbs ending in -ise or -ize; 3.1.4 -ie- and -ei-; 3.1.5 -able and -ible; 3.1.6 Nouns ending in -ment; 3.1.7 Nouns ending in -logue; 3.1.8 -ce and -se endings; 3.1.9 -ae- in the middle of words; 3.2 Inflection.
  • 3.2.1 Verbs3.2.2 Plurals of nouns; 3.2.3 Adjectives; 3.2.4 Adverbs; 3.3 Hyphenation; 3.3.1 General principles; 3.3.2 Soft and hard hyphens; 3.3.3 Compound words; 3.3.4 Prefixes and combining forms; 3.3.5 Suffixes; 3.3.6 Numbers; 3.3.7 Compass points; 3.3.8 Other uses; 3.4 Word division; 3.4.1 General principles; 3.4.2 Principles of word division; 3.4.3 Special rules; CHAPTER 4:Punctuation; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Apostrophe; 4.2.1 Possession; 4.2.2 Plurals; 4.2.3 Contraction; 4.3 Comma; 4.3.1 Restrictive and non-restrictive uses; 4.3.2 Comma splice; 4.3.3 After an introductory clause or adverb.
  • 4.3.4 Commas separating adjectives4.3.5 Serial comma; 4.3.6 Figures; 4.3.7 Use in letters; 4.3.8 Other uses; 4.4 Semicolon; 4.5 Colon; 4.6 Full point; 4.7 Ellipses; 4.8 Question mark; 4.8.1 Typical uses; 4.8.2 Use to express uncertainty; 4.9 Exclamation mark; 4.10 Hyphen; 4.11 Dashes; 4.11.1 En rule; 4.11.2 Em rule; 4.12 Brackets; 4.12.1 Parentheses; 4.12.2 Square brackets; 4.12.3 Braces; 4.12.4 Angle brackets; 4.12.5 Punctuation with brackets; 4.12.6 Nested brackets; 4.13 Solidi and verticals; 4.13.1 Solidus; 4.13.2 Vertical; 4.14 Quotation marks; 4.15 Asterisk; CHAPTER 5:Capitalization.