
Soliton Equations and Hamiltonian Systems.

The theory of soliton equations and integrable systems has developed rapidly during the last 30 years with numerous applications in mechanics and physics. For a long time, books in this field have not been written but the flood of papers was overwhelming: many hundreds, maybe thousands of them. All...

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Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Dickey, L. A.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Singapore : World Scientific Publishing Company, 2003.
Edición:2nd ed.
Colección:Advanced series in mathematical physics.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Ch. 1. Integrable systems generated by linear differential nth order operators. 1.1. Differential algebra A. 1.2. Space of functionals Ã. 1.3. Ring of pseudodifferential operators. 1.4. Lax pairs. GD hierarchies of equations. 1.5. First integrals (constants of motion). 1.6. Compatibility of the equations of a hierarchy. 1.7. Soliton solutions. 1.8. Resolvent. Adler mapping
  • ch. 2. Hamiltonian structures. 2.1. Finite-dimensional case. 2.2. Hamilton mapping. 2.3. Variational principles. 2.4. Symplectic form on an orbit of the coadjoint representation of a lie group. 2.5. Purely algebraic treatment of the hamiltonian structure. 2.6. Examples
  • ch. 3. Hamiltonian structure of the GD hierarchies. 3.1. Lie algebra [symbol], dual space [symbol], and module [symbol]. 3.2. Proof of theorem 3.1.2. 3.3. Poisson bracket. 3.4. Reduction to the submanifold [symbol]-[symbol] = 0. 3.5. Variational derivative of the resolvent. 3.6. Hamiltonians of the GD hierarchies. 3.7. Theory of the KdV-hierarchy (n = 2) independent of the general case
  • ch. 4. Modified KdV and GD. The Kupershmidt-Wilson theorem. 4.1. Miura transformation. The Kupershmidt-Wilson theorem. 4.2. Modified KdV equation. Bäcklund transformations. 4.3. More on modified GD equations
  • ch. 5. The KP hierarchy. 5.1. Definition of the KP hierarchy. 5.2. Reduction of the KP hierarchy to GD. 5.3. First integrals and soliton solutions. 5.4. Hamiltonian structure. 5.5. Resolvent. 5.6. Hamiltonians of the KP hierarchy
  • ch. 6. Baker function, [symbol]-function. 6.1. Dressing. 6.2. Baker function. 6.3. Shift operator and [symbol]-function. 6.4. Resolvent and Baker function. Fay identities. 6.5. Vertex operators. 6.6. [symbol]-function and Fock representation. 6A. Appendix. List of useful formulas for the Faà di Bruno polynomials
  • ch. 7. Additional symmetries, string equation. 7.1. Additional symmetries. 7.2. Generating function for additional symmetries. 7.3. String equation
  • ch. 8. Grassmannian. algebraic-geometrical Krichever solutions. 8.1. Infinite-dimensional Grassmannian. 8.2. Modified definition of the Grassmannian [symbol]-function. 8.3. Algebraic-geometrical solutions of Krichever. 8A. Appendix. Abel mapping and the [symbol]-function
  • ch. 9. Matrix first-order operator, AKNS-D hierarchy. 9.1. Hierarchy of equations generated by a first-order matrix differential operator. 9.2. Hamiltonian structure. 9.3. Hamiltonians of the AKNS-D hierarchy. 9.4. GD hierarchies as reductions of the matrix hierarchies (Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction). 9A. Appendix. Extension of the algebra A to an algebra closed with respect to the indefinite integration
  • ch. 10. Generalization of the AKNS-D hierarchy: single-pole and multi-pole matrix hierarchies. 10.1. Single-pole matrix hierarchy. 10.2. Single-pole hierarchy. Presentation not depending on a distinguished operator 1. 10.3. Multi-pole (General Zakharov-Shabat) hierarchy. 10.4. Example: principal chiral field equation. 10.5. Grassmannian.
  • Ch. 11. Isomonodromic deformations and the most general matrix hierarchy. 11.1. Isomonodromic deformations. 11.2. General matrix hierarchy
  • ch. 12. Tau functions of matrix hierarchies. 12.1. Segal- Wilson's [symbol]-function for AKNS-D. 12.2. Tau functions for more general matrix hierarchies
  • ch. 13. KP, modified KP, constrained KP, discrete KP, and q-KP. 13.1. Modified GD (cont'd). 13.2. Modified KP and constrained KP. 13.3. Discrete KP. 13.4. q-KP
  • ch. 14. Another chain of KP hierarchies and integrals over matrix varieties. 14.1. Introduction. More about the modified KP. 14.2. Stabilizing chain. 14.3. Solutions to the chain. 14.4. Solutions in the form of series in Schur polynomials. Stabilization. 14.5. From the stabilizing chain to the Kontsevich integral
  • ch. 15. Transformational properties of a differential operator under diffeomorphisms and classical W-algebras. 15.1. Tensors with respect to diffeomorphisms and the AGD-algebra. 15.2. Another construction of primary fields
  • ch. 16. Further restrictions of the KP; stationary equations. 16.1. The ring of functions on the phase space of the equation. 16.2. Characteristics of the first integrals. 16.3. Hamiltonian structure. 16.4. Stationary equations of the KdV hierarchy ([GD79]). 16.5. Integration after Liouville. 16.6. Return to the original variables
  • ch. 17. Stationary equations of the matrix hierarchy. 17.1. First integrals. 17.2. Hamiltonian structure of stationary equations. 17.3. Action-angle variables. 17A. Appendix. Genus of the Riemann surfaces and the Newton diagram
  • ch. 18. Stationary equations of the matrix hierarchy (cont'd). 18.1. Baker function. Return to original variables. 18.2. Rotation of the n-dimensional rigid body
  • ch. 19. Field Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism. 19.1. Introduction. 19.2. Variational bi-complex. 19.3. Exactness of the bi-complex. 19.4. Variational derivative. 19.5. Lagrangian-Hamiltonian formalism. 19.6. Variational bi-complex of a differential equation. First integrals. 19.7. Poisson bracket. 19.8. Relationship with the single-time formalism
  • ch. 20. Further examples and applications. 20.1. KP-hierarchy. 20.2. The Zakharov-Shabat equation with rational dependence on the spectral parameter. 20.3. Principal chiral field. 20.4. Lagrangians of the nth reduced KP (GD) hierarchy
  • Bibliography
  • Index.