
The Schema Therapy Clinician's Guide : a Complete Resource for Building and Delivering Individual, Group and Integrated Schema Mode Treatment Programs.

The Schema Therapy Clinician's Guide is a complete clinical resource for psychotherapists implementing schema therapy, group schema therapy or a combination of both in a structured, cost-effective way. The authors provide ready-made individual and group sessions with patient hand-outs. A unique...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Farrell, Joan M.
Otros Autores: Reiss, Neele, Shaw, Ida A.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Hoboken : Wiley, 2014.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The Schema Therapy Clinician's Guide: A Complete Resource for Building and Delivering Individual, Group and Integrated Schema Mode Treatment Programs; Copyright; Contents; List of Figures and Tables; About the Authors; Foreword; Acknowledgments; About the Companion Web Site; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Background; 1.2 The Chapters; 2 The Basics of Schema Therapy; 2.1 The Theoretical Model; 2.2 Goals and Stages of Schema Therapy; 2.3 Limited Reparenting; 2.4 The Components of Schema Therapy; 3 The Integrated Schema Therapy Treatment Program; 3.1 The Patients: Who Are Good Candidates?
  • 3.2 The Group Schema Therapy Sessions3.2.1 The "Welcome" session; 3.2.2 Schema Therapy Education sessions; 3.2.3 Mode Awareness sessions; 3.2.4 Mode Management sessions; 3.2.5 Experiential Mode Work sessions; 3.3 The Individual Schema Therapy (IST) Sessions; 3.4 Options for the Delivery of the Treatment Program; 3.5 Structural Aspects of the Group Sessions; 3.6 Assessment and Orientation; 3.7 The Milieu of the Treatment Program; 3.7.1 Multidisciplinary teams in intensive settings; 3.7.2 The physical environment; 4 The Group Schema Therapy Sessions.
  • 4.1 General Therapist Tips for Group Schema Therapy4.2 The Welcome Group Session; 4.3 Five Schema Therapy Education (STE) Sessions; 4.4 The 12 Mode Awareness Sessions; 4.5 The 12 Mode Management Sessions; 4.6 The 12 Experiential Mode Work Sessions; 4.6.1 Maladaptive Coping Mode sessions (EMW 1 & 7); 4.6.2 Dysfunctional Parent Mode sessions (EMW 2 & 8); 4.6.3 Vulnerable Child Mode sessions (EMW 3 & 9); 4.6.4 Angry/ Impulsive Child Mode sessions (EMW-ACM 4 & 10); 4.6.5 Happy Child Mode sessions (EMW 5 & 11); 4.6.6 Healthy Adult Mode sessions (EMW 6 & 12); 5 The Individual Schema Therapy Sessions.
  • 5.1 The Schema TherapyConceptualization and Goals5.2 The Maladaptive Coping Modes (MCM); 5.2.1 Schema Therapy behavioral pattern-breaking interventions; 5.2.2 Schema Therapy cognitive interventions; 5.2.3 Schema Therapy experiential interventions; 5.3 Dysfunctional Parent Modes (DyPMs); 5.3.1 Schema Therapy behavioral pattern-breaking interventions; 5.3.2 Schema Therapy cognitive interventions (Handout: IST-DyPM3); 5.3.3 Schema Therapy experiential interventions; 5.4 The Vulnerable Child Mode; 5.4.1 Schema Therapy behavioral pattern-breaking interventions.
  • 5.4.2 Schema Therapy cognitive interventions5.4.3 Schema Therapy experiential interventions; 5.5 The Angry or Impulsive Child Mode (ACM, ICM); 5.5.1 Schema Therapy behavioral pattern-breaking interventions; 5.5.2 Schema Therapy cognitive interventions; 5.5.3 Schema Therapy experiential interventions; 5.6 The Happy Child Mode; 5.6.1 Schema Therapy behavioral pattern-breaking interventions; 5.6.2 Schema Therapy cognitive interventions; 5.6.3 Schema Therapy experiential interventions; 5.7 The Healthy Adult Mode (HAM); 5.7.1 Schema Therapy behavioral pattern-breaking interventions.