
Democratic Republic of the Congo.

In recent years, the IMF has released a growing number of reports and other documents covering economic and financial developments and trends in member countries.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: African Dept., International Monetary Fund
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2013.
Colección:IMF Staff Country Reports.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS; TABLE OF CONTENTS; TABLE OF CONTENTS; PREFACE; FOREWORD; EXECUTIVE SUMMARY; INTRODUCTION; List of Boxes; Box 1. Reminder on the GPRSP 1 process in DRC; List of figures; Figure 1. Operationalisation framework of the Poverty Reduction Strategy; Box 2. What is a PRSP?; CHAPTER 1. RECENT SOCIO-ECONOMIC SITUATION; POVERTY PROFILE; 1.1.1. Monetary Poverty; 1.1.2. Non monetary poverty; Box 3. Simulation of Poverty in the DRC: Methodology of Simulatio; List of tables; Table 1. Distribution of mortality of Congolese children according to the socio-economic group.
  • Figure 2. Mortality of Congolese childrenTable 2. Fairness in access to health services in the DRC; Figure 3. Net Primary enrollment rate; Figure 4. Appreciation of households; Box 4. Progress towards the MDGs; Table 3. Evolution of indicators of MDGs; 1.3. MAIN CAUSES OF POVERTY; Table 4. Doing Business (DB) Indicators for 2010-2011; Box 5. Main obstacles to economic growth in the DRC; Figure 5. Evolution of the economic growth rate and inflation rate; Figure 6. Indicators of flow-of-funds table of the State and balance of payment (in % of GDP); Figure 7. Sources of growth in the DRC.
  • Figure 8. Value added of sectors at provincial level1.3.3. Employment gap; Table 5. Evolution of social expenditures (as a % of total expenditure); Figure 9. Evolution of rate and average employment; 1.4. CHALLENGES TO OVERCOME WITHIN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS; Figure 10. Customs duties on consumer goods per centile of Revenue Distribution; CHAPTER 2. STRATEGIC PILLARS OF THE GPRS 2; 2.1. DEVELOPMENT VISION AND OPPORTUNITIES; Box 6. Vision 26/25; 2.2. MAIN OPTIONS OF THE STRATEGY; 2.3. PILLAR 1: STRENGTHENING GOVERNANCE AND PEACE; 2.3.1. Strengthening State authority.
  • Table 6. Global and sector objectives of the strategy2.3.3. Pursuing the public finance reform; Box 7. Key actions of the Strategic Plan for Public Finance Reform; Box 8. Performance indicators; 2.3.4. Improving the business climate and promoting the private sector; Box 9. Why the performance?; 2.3.5. Building institutional and human capacities and modernizing the public administration; 2.3.6. Supporting the planning set up and the national statistics system; 2.3.6. Restructuring the Central Bank of Congo; Box 10. DRC Statistics: Problems of data comparability.
  • 2.4. PILLAR 2: DIVERSIFYING THE ECONOMY, ACCELERATING GROWTH AND PROMOTING EMPLOYMENT2.4.1. Boosting agriculture and ensuring food security and the well-being of rural dwellers; 2.4.2. Developing support infrastructure for production activities; Box 11. Forestry Code; 2.4.4. Promoting foreign trade; 2.4.5. Promote employment; Box 12. Job creation and achievement of MDGs; 2.4.6. Developing the country and cities; 2.4.7. Formalizing the informal sector; 2.4.8. Promoting spatial development; 2.5. PILIER 3. IMPROVING ACCESS TO BASIC SOCIAL SERVICES AND STRENGTHENING HUMAN CAPITAL.