
Regional Economic Outlook April 2011.

The April 2011 issue of the Regional Economic Outlook: Asia and Pacific focuses on the policy challenges of managing the next phase of growth after Asia's recovery from the global crisis. The analytical chapters discuss how capital flows to the region may affect the monetary policy transmission...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Dept, International Monetary Fund. Asia and Pacific
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2011.
Colección:Regional Economic Outlook.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Contents; Definitions; Executive Summary; I. Asia After the Recovery: Managing the Next Phase; A. Maturing Recovery and Good Near-Term Growth Prospects; Figures; 1.1 Asia: Changes in Real GDP at Market Prices; 1.2 Asia: Exports of Goods; 1.3 United States: Real Private Fixed Investment in Equipment and Software during Business Cycle Recoveries; 1.4 Asia's Exports to China and Retail Sales in China; 1.5 Asia: Industrial Activity; 1.6 Selected Asia: Credit to Private Sector; 1.7 Emerging Asia: New Capital Raised by Corporations; Tables; 1.1 Asia: Real GDP Growth.
  • 1.8 Selected Asia: Effective Exchange Rates1.9 Asia: Fiscal Impulse; 1.10 Global Investment; 1.11 Export-Oriented Asia: Private Domestic Demand and Exports; 1.12 Selected Emerging Asia: Private Investment; Boxes; 1.1 Spillovers from Emerging Asia to Australia and New Zealand; B. Pockets of Overheating Across the Region Pose New Risks to the Outlook; 1.13 Asia: GDP Growth; 1.14 Selected Asia: Exports of Goods to the United States and Europe; 1.15 Asia: Changes in Headline Inflation since 2009; 1.16 Emerging Asia: Changes in Expectations of Annual 2011 Inflation since October 2010.
  • 1.2 Vietnam: Restoring Macroeconomic Stability1.17 Selected Asia: Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI)-Input Costs for Manufacturing Industries; 1.3 Is China Overheating?; 1.18 Asia: Consumer Prices; 1.19 Asia: Headline Consumer Price Inflation; 1.20 Asia: Pass-Through from Global Food and Energy Prices to Domestic Food and Energy Prices; 1.21 Asia: Pass-Through from Domestic Food and Energy Prices to Core Inflation; 1.22 Asia: Impact of 10 Percent Increase in Commodity Prices on Headline Inflation; 1.23 Asia: Deviation of the Cyclical Component of Credit-to-GDP Ratios from Long-Term Averages.
  • 1.24 Selected Asia: Contribution to Growth in Credit to Private SectorC. Capital Inflows Are Expected to Continue, but at a More Moderate Pace; 1.25 Selected Asia: Comparing Changes in Current Real Property Prices with Previous Boom-Bust Cycles; 1.26 Asia: Government Bond and Stock Markets; 1.27 Selected Asia: 12-Month Forward P/E Ratios; 1.28 Emerging Asia: Net Capital Inflows; 1.29 Emerging Asia: Equity and Bond Funds
  • Weekly Net Flows during 2010-11; 1.30 Emerging Asia (excl. Hong Kong SAR and Singapore): Net Portfolio Capital Inflows.
  • 1.2 Capital Flow Management Measures in Asian Economies1.4 Channeling Capital Inflows to Its Most Productive Uses: Developing Corporate Bond Markets In Asia; D. Policy Challenges: Tightening Macroeconomic Policy Stances to Contain Overheating Risks; 1.31 Selected Asia: Policy Interest Rates; 1.32 Asia: Real Policy Rates; 1.33 Asia: Real Effective Exchange Rates; E. The Economic Impact of Japan's Earthquake-Related Tragedy; 1.34 Emerging Asia: Sources of Change in Stock of Foreign Exchange Reserves; 1.35 Asia: General Government Cyclically Adjusted Fiscal Balances.