
Point Is To Change It : Geographies of Hope and Survival in an Age of Crisis.

Commissioned to celebrate the 40th year of Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, this book evaluates the role of the critical social scientist and how the point of their work is not simply to interpret the world but to change it -Brings together leading critical social scientists to consider the...

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Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Castree, Noel
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; CONTENTS; Introduction: The Point Is To Change It; 1 Now and Then; The 1970s Again; The Magna Carta Manifesto; Commodity Dialectics; Endnotes; References; 2 The Idea of Socialism: From 1968 to the Present-day Crisis; Introduction; The Left in 1968 and Today; The failures of twentieth-century socialism; What is to be undone?; Back to Basics; Responding to the present crisis; Acknowledgements; Endnotes; References; 3 The Revolutionary Imperative; A Bad Time for Revolution?; A Good Time for Revolution; Of New Deals and Stealth Neoliberalism; Acknowledgements.
  • EndnoteReferences; 4 To Make Live or Let Die? Rural Dispossession and the Protection of Surplus Populations; Surplus Population; Rural Dispossession in Asia circa 2000; Biopolitical Assemblages and the Protection of Surplus Populations; The Politics of Entitlement; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; Endnotes; References; 5 Postneoliberalism and Its Malcontents; Neoliberalism, R.I.P?; Looking over the Wall; Crisis, Theory; Beyond Neoliberalism; Acknowledgements; Endnotes; References; 6 D/developments after the Meltdown; Introduction; Periodizing Post-war D/developments.
  • From Bretton Woods to the Dollar-Wall Street RegimeThe Laboratory of Neoliberalism; Renovating Neoliberalism?; Some Challenges of the Conjuncture; Acknowledgements; Endnotes; References; 7 Is the Globalization Consensus Dead?; The Globalization Consensus; Questioning the Globalization Consensus; The Financial Crisis; Weaknesses in the Globalization Evidence; The Catch-up Growth Story; The Falling Poverty Story; The Trade-growth Story; Conclusion; The Second Leg of Polanyi's Double Movement?; The Shock Behind the New Deal; The Aftermath of the East Asian Crisis.
  • Financialization has Gone too far Towards the Complex and the GlobalGlobalization and Upwards Income Redistribution; Conclusion; Endnotes; References; 8 The Uses of Neoliberalism; Basic Income; Food Aid and Cash Transfers; The Point is to Change It!; Endnotes; References; 9 Crisis, Continuity and Change: Neoliberalism, the Left and the Future of Capitalism; Introduction; The Making of a Double Whammy: Crises Perceived and Real; New Ecological Anxieties; Political Economic Turmoil; Theorising Crisis, Continuity and Systemic Change; Historicising the Present.
  • Marx, Finance Capital and Over-accumulation CrisesPolanyi and the Double Movement; James O'Connor and the Second Contradiction of Capitalism; From Theory to Reality: Neoliberalization, Social Formation and the Barriers to Change; Reasons to be Cheerful?; The Causes of Morbidity; The Future of Global Climate Change Governance: Why "Weak Markets" Will Persist; International Pollution Trading Schemes; The Record so Far; Emissions Trading: Why Do Weak Markets Persist?; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; Endnotes; References; 10 Money Games: Currencies and Power in the Contemporary World Economy.