Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Legacies and New Identities: Contemporary India and South Africa Compared / Sujata Patel and Tina Uys
  • -- Part I. Migration, Indenture and Identities: Being Indian in South Africa. 2. Indenture and Indianness in South Africa: 1860-1913 / Ashwin Desai and Goolam Vahed
  • - 3. Tracing the Journey of South African Indian Women from 1860 / Mariam Seedat-Khan
  • - 4. In a Faraway Sugarcane Field: Imagining Indentured Labour in Colonial India / V. Geetha
  • - 5. 'Made in India. Proudly South African': Commemorating 150 years of Indian Presence in South Africa / Rehana Vally
  • - 6. Commemoration, Celebration, Commiseration? 150th Anniversary of Indentured Labourers in South Africa / Brij Maharaj
  • - 7. The Legacy of Indentured Indians in South Africa: The Politics of Saving the Early Morning Market in Durban / Lubna Nadvi
  • - 8. Indenture and Diasporic Integration: Historical Anthropology of India-South Africa Interface / Ravindra K. Jain
  • -- Part II. The Contemporary Contradictions of Nation States: Democracy, Education and Environment. 9. A Better Life For All: The Post-1994 South African Journey in the Second Decade of the New Millennium / Janis Grobbelaar
  • - 10. South Africa: Conceptualising a Politics of Human-Oriented Development / Adam Habib
  • - 11. Indian Democracy in Search of a Democratic State: Socio-Political Challenges and State Responses in Contemporary India / Ujjwal Singh
  • - 12. Reproduction, Contradiction, Contestation and the Struggle for a Just Education in India / Padma Velaskar
  • - 13. Reflexive Education to Re-envision Modernity / Anita Rampal
  • - 14. The Place and Role of Higher Education in an Evolving South African Democracy / Derek van der Merwe
  • - 15. Urban Dreams and Realities / Kalpana Sharma
  • - 16. Contesting Conservation: Nature, Politics and History in Contemporary India / Mahesh Rangarajan
  • -- Part III. Relating to Each Other as Regional Nation-States. 17. Globalising World and the Changing Dimensions of Indo-South African Ties / Rajen Harshe
  • - 18. IBSA in the Foreign Policy of a Rising India / Priya Chacko
  • - 19. Scientific, Environmental and Agricultural Collaboration within the IBSA Dialogue Forum, 2003-2010 / David Fig.