
Why we won't talk honestly about race /

In the Age of Obama, the ugly charge of racism is more prevalent than ever. Why? Because telling the truth about racial profiling, crime, the social fallout of single parent homes, and the ways racial preferences distort the very meaning of equity and justice would mean facing up to the soul-destroy...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Stein, Harry, 1948-
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York : Encounter Books, 2013.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Preface; IntroductIon; racIsm today, racIsm tomorroW, racIsm forever; medIa enablersand other racemonGers; let's pretend no. 1aFFiRmaTive acTioN isReasoNaBLe, NoT RacisT; booker t. WashInGtonTHe NeGLecTed PRoPHeT; It's not braIns, sTUPid, It's culture; let's pretend no. 2FaTHeRs doN'T maTTeR; let's pretend no. 3cRime Has NoTHiNG Todo wiTH Race; let's pretend no. 4mULTicULTURaLism maKesFoR BeTTeR edUcaTioN; let's pretend no. 5"acTiNG wHiTe" is aPRoBLem(NoT THe soLUTioN); blackconservatIvesTHe HeRoes-aNd HoPe-oF oUR Time; afterWord; acknoWledGements.