
Space-time symmetry and quantum yang-mills gravity : how space-time translational gauge symmetry enables the unification of gravity with other forces.

Yang-Mills gravity is a new theory, consistent with experiments, that brings gravity back to the arena of gauge field theory and quantum mechanics in flat space-time. It provides solutions to long-standing difficulties in physics, such as the incompatibility between Einstein's principle of gene...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Hsu, J. P. (Jong-Ping)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: WSPC, 2013.
Colección:Advanced series on theoretical physical science ; v. 11.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • pt. I. The taiji symmetry framework / Leonardo Hsu and Jong-Ping Hsu. 1. Space-time symmetry, natural units and fundamental constants. 1.1. Underpinnings. 1.2. Physical basis for the system of natural units. 1.3. Nature of the fundamental constants
  • 2. The taiji relativity framework. 2.1. A new space-time framework. 2.2. Taiji relativity. 2.3. Operationalization of taiji time. 2.4. Conceptual difference between taiji relativity and special relativity. 2.5. A short digression: the role of a second postulate
  • 3. The principle of limiting continuation of physical laws and coordinate transformations for frames with constant accelerations. 3.1. The principle of limiting continuation. 3.2. Constant linear acceleration: the Wu transformations. 3.3. Operational meaning of the space-time coordinates and 'constant-linear-acceleration'. 3.4. Singular walls and horizons in accelerated frames. 3.5. The Wu pseudo-group. 3.6. Relationship between theWu and Møller transformations. 3.7. Experimental tests of the Wu transformations
  • 4. Coordinate transformations for frames with arbitrary linear accelerations and the taiji pseudo-group. 4.1. Arbitrary linear accelerations: the taiji transformations. 4.2. Poincaré metric tensors for arbitrary-linear-acceleration frames. 4.3. New properties of the taiji transformations. 4.4. Physical implications. 4.5. Experimental tests of the taiji transformations
  • 5. Coordinate transformations for rotating frames and experimental tests. 5.1. Rotational taiji transformations. 5.2. Metric tensors for the space-time of rotating frames. 5.3. The rotational pseudo-group. 5.4. Physical implications. 5.5. Experimental tests of the rotational taiji transformations
  • 6. Conservation laws and symmetric energy-momentum tensors. 6.1. Conservation laws in the Taiji symmetry framework. 6.2. Symmetric energy-momentum tensors and variations of metric tensors intaiji space-time. 6.3. Integral forms of conservation laws in non-inertial frames. 6.4. Symmetry implications of global and local space-time translations.
  • pt. II. Quantum Yang-Mills gravity / Jong-Ping Hsu and Leonardo Hsu. 7. The Yang-Mills-Utiyama-Weyl framework for internal and external gauge symmetries. 7.1. The Yang-Mills-Utiyama-Weyl framework. 7.2. The Levi-Civita connection and interpretations of Einstein gravity. 7.3. Weyl's parallel transport of scale and electromagnetic fields. 7.4. Curvatures on the connections. 7.5. Taiji symmetry and the space-time translational symmetry group T4
  • 8. Yang-Mills gravity based on flat space-time and effective curved space-time for motions of classical objects. 8.1. Translational gauge transformations in taiji space-time. 8.2. Translational gauge symmetry and the field-theoretic origin of effective metric tensors. 8.3. Gauge invariant action and quadratic gauge curvature. 8.4. The gravitational field equation and fermion equations in general frames of reference. 8.5. Derivations of the T4 eikonal and Einstein-Grossmann equations in the geometric-optics limit. 8.6. Effective action for classical objects and gauge invariance. 8.7. Classical objects as a coherent collection of constituent particles. 8.8. Remarks on Yang-Mills gravity and teleparallel gravity
  • 9. Experimental tests of classical Yang-Mills gravity. 9.1. Motion in a central gravitational field. 9.2. The perihelion shift of Mercury. 9.3. Deflection of light in a gravitational field. 9.4. Gravitational quadrupole radiation
  • 10. The S-matrix in Yang-Mills gravity. 10.1. The gauge-invariant action and gauge conditions. 10.2. Feynman-DeWitt-Mandelstam (FDM) ghost fields in Yang-Mills gravity. 10.3. Unitarity and gauge invariance of the S-matrix and FDM ghost particles. 10.4. Discussion
  • 11. Quantization of Yang-Mills gravity and Feynman-Dyson rules. 11.1. A gauge invariant action for gravitons and fermions and their field equations. 11.2. The Feynman-Dyson rules for quantum Yang-Mills gravity
  • 12. Gravitational self-energy of the graviton. 12.1. Graviton self-energy in the DeWitt gauge. 12.2. Graviton self-energy in a general gauge. 12.3. Discussion.
  • 13. Space-time gauge identities and finite-loop renormalization. 13.1. Space-time (T4) gauge identities. 13.2. Space-time gauge identities and a general graviton propagator. 13.3. Gauge identities in quantum electrodynamics with a non-linear gauge condition. 13.4. The infinite continuous group of general coordinate transformations inflat space-time. 13.5. Remarks on ultraviolet divergences and finite-loop renormalization for gravity
  • 14. A unified gravity-electroweak model. 14.1. The gauge covariant derivative and gauge curvatures of a unified gravity-electroweak model. 14.2. The Lagrangian in the gravielecweak model. 14.3. The equations of motion for quantum and classical particles. 14.4. Violations of U1 and SU2 gauge symmetries by gravity
  • 15. A unified gravity-strong force model. 15.1. Unified gauge covariant derivatives and gauge curvatures. 15.2. The action of the unified model and violations of local SU3 gauge symmetry by gravity. 15.3. Effective curved space-time for motions of quarks and gluons in the classical limit. 15.4. Discussion
  • 16. Outlook. 16.1. Taiji space-time
  • a basic framework for all physics. 16.2. The cosmic Lee-Yang force and a linear potential for the accelerated expansion of the universe. 16.3. Possible origins of mass in a unified model: constant vacuum field or Higgs field? 16.4. Finite quantum gravity and a possible departure from exact Lorentz invariance at high energies. 16.5. Toward a total unification of all interactions. 16.6. Conclusion.