Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Title Page
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • List Of Manuscripts
  • Table Of Subjects
  • Black Book Of The Admiralty
  • Old Rules For The Lord Admiral
  • Instructions For The Lord Admiral In Times Of War
  • Rules And Orders About Admiralty Matters
  • Laws Of Oleron
  • Inquisition Taken At Queenborow (1375)
  • Ordo Judiciorum [Order Of Judgements]
  • De Officio Admiralitatis [Office Of The Admiralty]
  • Admirality Of John Holland, Duke Of Exeter (1443-1446)
  • Statutes And Ordinances Of War
  • Order Of Battle In The Court Of Chivalry
  • De Materia Duelli [On Matters Of Duels] Appendix
  • Admiralty Of Sir Thomas Beaufort, Duke Of Exeter
  • Ordinance Of Philippe De Valois For The Expedition Against England (1388)
  • Ordinance Of Charles V On The Jurisdiction Of The Admiral, Against Piracy, & C. (1373)
  • Rights And Privileges Of The Admirals Of France
  • Ordinances Of War Made By Richard Ii (1385)
  • Ordinances Of War Made By Henry V
  • Index
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D-E
  • F
  • G-H
  • I-K
  • L-M
  • N-O
  • P
  • Q-R
  • S
  • T-W
  • Y
  • Corrigenda