Tabla de Contenidos:
  • " ... A well regulated country where justice and government prevail" / Martha Dickinson Shattuck
  • The souls of New Amsterdam's African American children / Joyce D. Goodfriend
  • Matters of "trifling moment" : New Netherland and the New York tradition of arbitration / Troy A. McKenzie and Wilson C. Freeman
  • The Declaration of Independence and the Dutch legacy / Wijnand W. Mijnhardt
  • Real estate or political sovereignty? : the Dutch, Munsees, and the purchase of Manhattan Island / Paul Otto
  • Crimen laesae maiestatis or abuse of power? : the 1647 trial of Cornelis Melijn and Jochem Pietersz Kuijter / Jaap Jacobs
  • Imagining the Stadt Huys / Diana diZerega Wall and Anne-Marie Cantwell
  • Prosecution or persecution? : the 1657 Flushing incident / Charles Gehring
  • Lutherans and the law in New Netherland : the politics of religion / Peter R. Christoph
  • A flourishing city : Jews in New Amsterdam, 1654 / Leo Hershkowitz
  • Governors Island and the origins of religious tolerance / Joep de Koning
  • Marital litigations in New Netherland and proprietary New York : similarities and differences in application of Dutch and English law / Michael E. Gherke
  • English law through Dutch eyes : the Leislerian understanding of the English legal system in New York / David William Voorhees.