
Fatigue crack growth : mechanics, behavior and prediction /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Lignelli, Alphonse F.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York : Nova Science Publishers, ©2009.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Fatigue Crack Growth: Mechanics, Behavior and Prediction; Contents; Preface; Research and Review Studies; Real-time Fatigue Damage Monitoring via In Situ Ultrasonic Sensing; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Fatigue Damage Sensing Techniques; 3. Fatigue Damage Test Apparatus; 4. Problem Formulation; 5. Forward and Inverse Problems; 6. Real-time Fatigue Damage Detection; 7. Real-time Estimation of Remaining Useful Life; 8. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Work; Appendix A. Symbolic Dynamic Filtering Concept; References.
  • Multiscale Approaches to Fatigue Crack Growth from the Debonding of Particle/Ductile-Matrix InterfacesAbstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Crack Initiation Stage: Microscale Approach; 3. Propagation Stage: Macroscale Approach; 4. Conclusion; Acknowledgment; Biosketch of the Author; References; Advances in the Numerical Modelling of Fatigue Crack Closure Using Finite Elements; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Key Issues in the Numerical Modelling Process; 3. Specific Issues Studied; 4. Bi-dimensional Results; 5. Tri-dimensional Results; 6. Conclusion; References; Textural Fractography of Fatigue Fractures.
  • AbstractIntroduction; Textural Fractography; Solution for Variable Cycle Loading; Applications; Conclusion; Acknowledgement; Appendix. Methods for Estimating of Image Textural Feature Vectors; References; A Novel Fractography for Investigation of the Fatigue Fracture Process in Materials; Abstract; Introduction; Experimental Procedure; Fractal Analysis; Results and Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References; Short Communications; Fatigue Behaviour Model for Short Fibre Glass Reinforced Polyamides; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Experimental Techniques; 3. Results and Analysis.
  • 4. ConclusionReferences; The Effect of Overload Plastic Zone on Fatigue Crack Propagation after Overloading; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Material and Testing Conditions; 3. Results and Discussion; 4. Concluding Remarks; Acknowlegement; References; Fatigue Crack Growth Prediction in Asphalt Concrete Materials with Damage Mechanics Model; Abstract; Introduction; Objective; Laboratory Tests; Numerical Prediction; Conclusions; Acknowledgement; References; Fracture Strength Evaluation of Center-Crack Tensile Specimens Made of Heat-Treated Wrought Aluminum Alloys; Abstract; Nomenclature.
  • 1. Introduction2. Modified Point Stress Criterion; 3. Results and Discussion; Concluding Remarks; References; Index.