Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Growth after puberty / by Alex F. Roche
  • Late adolescent changes in weight / by Alex F. Roche, Gail H. Davila, and E. David Mellits
  • Growth and developmental patterns and human differentiation in Papua New Guinean communities / by L.A. Malcolm
  • Physical growth and the social environment : a West African example / by D.K. Fiawoo
  • Medical care of adolescents in a suburban community / by I.R. Shenker
  • Psychotherapy in adolescents / by Jorge G. Gonzales
  • Transcultural aspects of mental illness among Puerto Rican adolescents in New York / by Mario Rendon
  • Several selves and many homes : black youth's adaptation to geographical and cultural mobility / by Edward J. Eckenfels
  • Impact of urbanization on the life patterns of the Ga adolescent / by Wilhelmina Kalu
  • Mississippi Choctaw youth / by John Peterson
  • Future time perspectives and attitudes of New Zealand Maori and Pakeha adolescents / by Robert J. Havighurst
  • The economic importance of children in a Javanese village / by Benjamin White
  • The community of young people in a Transylvanian village / by Mária Kresz
  • Community.
  • interrelations with the government : a study of adolescent group movements in a Japanese fishing community / by Tsuneo Ayabe
  • Parental authority and family size : a Chinese case / by M.C. Tang
  • Adolescence in a matriarchal society : changing cultural and social patterns after industrialization / by K.S. Gokulanathan
  • Problems of socialization in Indian families in a changing society / by George Kurian
  • Psychological correlates of family socialization in the United States and Korea / by Bela C. Maday and Lorand B. Szalay
  • Intragroup competitive pressures and the selection of social strategies : neglected paradigms in the study of adolescent socialization / by Colin Lacey
  • Students and society : a cross-national comparison of youth attitudes and values / by Marisa Zavalloni.