
Individual differences and personality /

How do we come to be who we are? Why do we differ in our personalities? How do these differences matter in life? This textbook on Individual Differences and Personality aims to describe how and why personality varies between one person and the next. Unlike books that focus on individual theorists, t...

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Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Ashton, Michael Craig, 1970-
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2013.
Edición:2nd edition
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Note continued: 10.4.2. Nerve conduction velocity
  • 10.4.3. Reaction time
  • 10.4.4. Inspection time
  • 10.4.5. Brain waves: averaged evoked potentials
  • 10.4.6. Brain glucose metabolism
  • 10.5. Genetic and Environmental Influences on Mental Ability
  • 10.5.1. Genetic influences
  • 10.5.2. Womb environment influences
  • 10.5.3. Nutrition
  • 10.5.4. Birth order
  • 10.6. Evolutionary Function of Mental Ability
  • 10.7. Mental Ability and Life Outcomes
  • 10.7.1. Academic achievement and performance
  • 10.7.2. Job performance, occupational status, and income
  • 10.7.3. Longevity and health
  • 10.7.4. Law-abidingness versus criminality
  • 10.7.5. Marriage: assortative mating
  • 10.8. Not All g-Loaded Tasks are the Same
  • 10.8.1. Novel versus familiar tasks: fluid and crystallized intelligence
  • 10.8.2. Generational changes in mental abilities: the Flynn effect
  • 10.8.3. The Flynn effect: are people really getting smarter?
  • 10.8.4. Reasoning with numbers and shapes versus understanding verbal concepts: different relations with personality
  • 10.9. Alternative Ideas About Mental Abilities
  • 10.9.1. Gardner's "Theory of Multiple Intelligences"
  • 10.9.2. Sternberg's "Triarchic Theory of Intelligence"
  • 10.9.3. Emotional Intelligence
  • 10.10. Summary and Conclusions
  • 11. Vocational Interests
  • 11.1. How Vocational Interests are Measured
  • 11.2. Score Reports from Vocational Interest Surveys
  • 11.3. Constructing Vocational Interest Scales: Empirical and Rational Strategies
  • 11.4. Major Dimensions of Vocational Interests
  • 11.5. Vocational Interests and Personality
  • 11.6. Vocational Interests and Mental Abilities
  • 11.7. Validity of Vocational Interest Surveys
  • 11.7.1. Relations with job satisfaction and (lack of) turnover
  • 11.7.2. Relations with job performance
  • 11.8. Origins of Vocational Interests: Developmental Change and Stability, Genetic and Environmental Influences, Biological Bases, and Evolution
  • 11.8.1. Stability of vocational interests
  • 11.8.2. Genetic and environmental influences on vocational interests
  • 11.8.3. Evolutionary function of vocational interests
  • 11.9. Summary and Conclusions
  • 12. Religion and Politics
  • 12.1. Religion
  • 12.1.1. Is religiosity a personality characteristic?
  • 12.1.2. Religiosity and the major dimensions of personality
  • 12.1.3. Developmental change and stability in religiosity
  • 12.1.4. Religiosity and paranormal beliefs
  • 12.1.5. Religiosity and life outcomes
  • 12.2. Politics
  • 12.2.1. Right-Wing Authoritarianism
  • 12.2.2. Social Dominance Orientation
  • 12.2.3. Relations between Right-Wing Authoritarianism and Social Dominance Orientation
  • 12.2.4. Social values
  • 12.2.5. Attitudes, values, and personality
  • 12.2.6. Developmental change and stability in political attitudes
  • 12.3. Origins of Religious Beliefs and Political Attitudes: Biological Bases, Genetic and Environmental Influences, and Evolutionary Function
  • 12.3.1. Biological bases
  • 12.3.2. Genetic and environmental influences
  • 12.3.3. Evolutionary function
  • 12.4. Summary and Conclusions
  • 13. Sexuality
  • 13.1. Major Dimensions of Sexuality
  • 13.2. Sexuality and Personality
  • 13.2.1. Sexual Arousal and personality
  • 13.2.2. Sexual Commitment and personality
  • 13.2.3. Sexual Orientation and personality
  • 13.3. Origins of Variation in Sexuality: Developmental Stability and Change, Genetic and Environmental Influences, Biological Bases, and Evolution
  • 13.4. Sexual Arousal
  • 13.4.1. Genetic and environmental influences
  • 13.4.2. Biological bases
  • 13.4.3. Evolutionary function
  • 13.5. Sexual Commitment (or Restricted versus Unrestricted Sociosexuality)
  • 13.5.1. Genetic and environmental influences
  • 13.5.2. Biological bases
  • 13.5.3. Evolutionary function
  • 13.6. Sexual Orientation
  • 13.6.1. Genetic and environmental influences and biological bases
  • Estimating the heritability of sexual orientation
  • Development of sexual orientation? "Exotic becomes erotic"
  • Development of sexual orientation? Number of older brothers
  • 13.6.2. Evolutionary function
  • 13.7. Summary and Conclusions
  • Conclusions
  • What We Have Learned So Far
  • What We Have Yet to Learn.