Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Biophysical Therapy of Allergies
  • Title Page
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Part I: Foundation and Basic Terminology
  • 1 The Physics Aspect in Medicine
  • The Phenomenon of "Life" and Basic Physiology
  • Information as a Universal Entity in Physics
  • Information and Medicine
  • Acupuncture As Informational Therapy
  • Electro-acupuncture, a Window into the Future
  • Bioresonance Therapy, Therapy of the Future
  • Prospectus
  • 2 Allergy: A Medical Phenomenon
  • Allergens throughout Medical History
  • Scientific and Clinical Allergology
  • 3 Allergy from a Physics Point of View.
  • The Physics Code: An Ubiquitous Principle
  • Allergy: A Phenomenon of Biophysical Information
  • 4 Symptoms of Allergic Reactions
  • 5 Classification of Allergies
  • Classification by Type According to Coombs and Gell
  • Acute Forms of Allergies
  • Pseudo-allergic Reactions
  • Intolerance Reactions
  • Contact Allergies
  • 6 Biophysical Allergy Diagnosis
  • Significance of the Diagnosis for Biophysical Allergy Therapy
  • Test Material
  • 7 Biophysical Allergy Therapy
  • Targeted Sites of Therapeutic Measures
  • Inverse Oscillation as a Therapeutic Principle.
  • Allergy Therapy Using the BICOM Device
  • The Possibility of Allergy Elimination
  • Biophysical Allergy Therapy without Allergen Avoidance
  • Biophysical Allergy Therapy in Practice
  • Acute Allergies
  • Chronic Allergies with Low-Level Sensitization
  • Chronic Allergies with High-Level Sensitization
  • Factors That May Influence Treatment Results
  • Diagnostic Errors
  • Misdiagnosis of Immunological Test Results
  • Testers' Errors
  • Mistaken Use of the Terms Allergy and Intolerance
  • Geopathic Stress
  • Acquired Stress Factors
  • Psychological Factors.
  • Achievements of Biophysical Allergy Therapy
  • Part II: Allergies-Clinical Studies
  • 8 Hay Fever
  • Epidemiology
  • Symptomatology
  • Etiology
  • Therapy
  • Biophysical Therapy of Hay Fever
  • Therapy Using Inverse Oscillation and Avoidance of the Allergen (Program 999)
  • Therapy Results in 1991.
  • Therapeutic Use of Combined Antigens
  • Therapy Methods without Avoidance of the Allergen
  • 9 Inhalation Allergies
  • Symptomatology
  • Diagnosis
  • Allergies to Mold Fungi
  • Diagnosis
  • Therapy
  • Allergies to Synthetic Substances
  • Polyester Allergy (Toy Asthma)
  • Diagnosis.
  • Other Allergies to Synthetic Substances
  • Allergies to Animal Epithelia
  • Allergy to Horses
  • Allergy to Sheep's Wool
  • Allergy to Goose Down
  • Symptomatology
  • Allergies to Other Bird Feathers
  • The Problem with House Dust Mites
  • 10 Bronchial Asthma
  • Pathogenesis
  • Therapy
  • 11 Ingestion Allergies
  • Acute Food Allergies
  • Mold Fungi as Ingested Allergens
  • Allergies to Food Additives
  • Symptomatology
  • Substances
  • Approved Food Coloring and Dyes (E100-180)
  • Preservatives (E200-290)
  • Antioxidants
  • Emulsifiers
  • Flavor Enhancers
  • Aromatic Essences and Extracts.