
Welfare and Party Politics in Latin America.

Explores the variation in welfare and other social assistance policies in Latin America.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Pribble, Jennifer
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Figures and Tables; Acknowledgments; Acronyms; 1 From Special Privilege to Social Rights; Equitable and Sustainable Social Policy: Latin Americas Dilemma; Defining Universalism in Latin America; The Argument; Existing Explanations of Latin American Social Policy Reform; Economic Explanations: Globalization and Growth; Political-Institutional Variables; Method, Research Design, and Case Selection; 2 Creating Universalistic Social Policy; Universalizing Policy from Above and Below: Policy Legacies, Electoral Competition, and Party Character; Policy Legacies; Electoral Competition.
  • Political Party Character: Ideology, Organizational Structure, and Predominant Linkage MechanismParty Character: Theoretical Expectations; Conclusion; 3 Health Care Reform in Chile and Uruguay; Health Care Development and Policy Legacies in Chile; Health Care Development and Policy Legacies in Uruguay; The Politics of Health Reform in Chile and Uruguay; Chile: Stalled Reform Followed by AUGE; Uruguay: Failed Reform Followed by SNIS; Conclusion; 4 Social Assistance Reform in Chile and Uruguay; A History of Noncontributory Social Assistance in Chile and Uruguay.
  • Noncontributory Pensions in ChileNoncontributory Family Assistance in Chile; Noncontributory Pensions in Uruguay; Noncontributory Family Assistance in Uruguay; The Politics of Social Assistance Reform in Chile and Uruguay; Chile Solidario: Slow Progress toward Universalism in Family Assistance; Chile: Progress toward Universalism in Pensions; Uruguay: Family Allowances, PANES, and the Equity Plan; Conclusion; 5 Education Reform in Chile and Uruguay; The Development of Chiles Education System and Policy Legacies; The Development of Uruguays Education System and Policy Legacies.
  • The Politics of Education Reform in Chile and UruguayChile: Success in Expanding Coverage, but with Quality Gaps; Uruguay: Partial Reform Followed by Setbacks; Conclusion; 6 Party Character in Chile and Uruguay; The Internal Organization of Political Parties in Chile and Uruguay; Chiles Left/Center-Left Concertación Parties; Chiles Parties of the Right: Independent Democratic Union and National Renovation; Uruguays Frente Amplio; Uruguays Traditional Parties: The Colorados and the Blancos; Conclusion; 7 Slow Progress toward Universalism.
  • Argentinas Peronist Party, Electoral Competition, and Policy LegaciesThe Venezuelan Socialist Party, the Fifth Republic Movement, Electoral Competition, and Policy Legacies; Argentinas Social Policy Reforms during the PJ Governments of the 1990s and 2000s; Argentina: Education Reforms; Argentina: Health Care Reforms; Argentina: Reforms to Old-Age Social Assistance; Argentina: Reforms to Noncontributory Family Assistance Policies; Venezuelan Social Policy Reform in the 1990s and Early 2000s; Venezuela: Education Policy Reforms; Venezuela: Health Care Policy Reforms.