Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Archaeometallurgy in Ancient Mesoamerica / Scott E. Simmons and Aaron N. Shugar
  • An Interdisciplinary Survey of a Copper-Smelting Site in West Mexico : The Case of Jicalán el Viejo, Michoacán / Hans Roskamp and Mario Retiz
  • Mining and Metallurgy, and the Evidence for Their Development in West Mexico / Blanca Maldonado
  • The Production of Copper at El Coyote, Honduras : Processing, Dating, and Political Economy / Patricia Urban, Aaron N. Shugar, Laura Richardson, and Edward Schortman
  • Late Prehistoric K'iche' Metal Working at Utatlán, Guatemala / John M. Weeks
  • Archaeometallurgy at Lamanai, Belize : New Discoveries and Insights from the Southern Maya Lowland Area / Scott E. Simmons and Aaron N. Shugar
  • Breaking the Mold : The Socioeconomic Significance of Metal Artifacts at Mayapán / Elizabeth H. Paris and Carlos Peraza Lope
  • How "Real" Does It Get? Portable XRF Analysis of Thin-Walled Copper Bells from the Aztec Templo Mayor, Tenochtitlán, Mexico / Niklas Schulze
  • Mesoamerican Metallurgy Today / Dorothy Hosler.