Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The memetics of knowledge / Andrew Chesterman
  • Representing interpreters' knowledge : why, what, and how? / Torben Thrane
  • Knowledge representation in machine translation / Walther von Hahn
  • Knowledge and text types / Annely Rothkegel
  • Ontology-driven translation management / Gerhard Budin
  • Translation studies : broaden or deepen the perspective? / Klaus Schubert
  • Empirical research into the role of knowledge in interpreting : methodological aspects / Daniel Gile
  • Investigating expert translators' processing knowledge / Arnt Lykke Jakobsen
  • Of cat? sh and blue bananas : scenes-and-frames semantics as a contrastive "knowledge system" for translation / Mary Snell-Hornby
  • Translation-related analysis of the textualisation of a knowledge system on the basis of Fauconnier's concept of mental spaces / Laura Sergo and Gisela Thome
  • Modelling semantic networks on source and target texts in consecutive interpreting : a contribution to the study of interpreters' notes / Helle V. Dam, Jan Engberg and Anne Schjoldager
  • Cultural constellations in text and translation / Young-Jin Kim
  • Pointing to contexts : a relevance-theoretic approach to assessing quality and difficulty in interpreting
  • Robin Setton.