
Saint Caesarius of Arles /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Mueller, Peggy, 1944-
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press in association with Consortium Books, 1956.
Colección:Sermons ; vol. 1 (1-80)
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. The Humble Advice of a Sinner
  • 2. A Suggestion about Reading
  • *3. The Athanasian Creed
  • 4. How the Word of God Should Be Desired
  • 5. Severity in Preaching Should Be Longed For
  • 6. People Should Be Eager to Hear Divine Lessons
  • 7. How Good It Is to Read the Scriptures
  • 8. On Perseverance in Reading
  • *9. An Instruction on the Creed
  • *10. On the Catholic Faith
  • *11. Why Christ Redeemed Man through His Passion
  • 12. An Exposition of Faith
  • 13. On the Full Practice of a Christian Life
  • 14. On the Same
  • 15. It Is Not Enough for Eternal Welfare Merely to Avoid Evil 16. The Qualities of Good and Bad Christians
  • 17. St. Augustine's Sermon on Charity
  • *18. His Sermon on Good Works. Despair. and the Crow's Voice
  • 19. His Sermon on the Christian Life and the Sacraments
  • 20. A Letter of St. Fatalis on Christian Life
  • *21. St . Augustine on the Many Steps in Perfect Charity On Charity
  • 22. On Charity
  • 23. On the Same
  • *24. A Selection from St . Augustine on Charity
  • 25. On Divine and Human Mercy
  • 26. On Almsgiving and Heavenly Mercy
  • 27. On the Parable of the Elm and the Vine*28. On Works of Mercy
  • 29. On Love of One's Neighbor and of Enemies
  • 30. Three Kinds of Alms by Which Sins Can Be Redeemed
  • 31. St . Salvian on Almsgiving
  • 32. On Almsgivers Who Persist in Sinning
  • 33. On Tithes
  • 34. On Love of Parents and on Giving Tithes
  • 35. On the Lord's Prayer and Love of Enemies
  • 36. On Love of Enemies
  • 37. On the Same
  • 38. St . Augustine on Love of Enemies
  • 39. On the Criteria by Which We Shall Be Judged and on Love of Enemies
  • 40. Why Just and Holy Men Have Punished Sinners41. On Lust and on Martyrdom
  • 42. A Reproof of Adultery and of Concubinage
  • 43. On Conjugal Chastity
  • 44. On Chastity, Abortion. and Abstinence before the Celebration of Church Eeasts
  • 45. On the Avoidance of Shameful Thoughts
  • 46. On Avoiding the Vice of Drunkenness
  • 47. On the Same
  • 48. The Scriptures Have Always Blessed the Humble, but Cursed the Proud
  • 49. How the Widows, Orphans, and the Poor in Scripture Are to Be Interpreted
  • 50. On Seeking Health of Soul and on Soothsayers
  • 51. On Accepting Barrenness52. On Martyrs, Eclipses, Abortions, and Phylacteries
  • 53. The Shrines of Idols Should Be Destroyed
  • 54. On Omens, Seers, and Fortune-Tellers
  • 55. On Sins Resulting from Drunkenness and on Briber
  • 55A. St. Augustine on Injustice and Bribery among Judges
  • 56. St. Faustus on Judgment Day and on Penance
  • 57. On Remaining Aware of the Judgment
  • *58. St. Faustus on Remaining Aware of Our Sins, the Judgment, and Eternal Happiness
  • 59. St. Augustine on the Confession of Sins