
150 Years of Quantum Many-Body Theory : a Festschrift In Honour of The 65Th Birthdays of John W Clark, Alpo J Kallio, Manfred L Ristig and Sergio Rosati.

In July 2000 a conference was held to honour the 65th birthdays of four of the leading international figures in the field of quantum many-body theory. The joint research careers of John Clark, Alpo Kallio, Manfred Ristig and Sergio Rosati total some 150 years, and this festschrift celebrated their a...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Bishop, R. F. (Raymond F.) (Editor ), Gernoth, Klaus A. (Editor ), Walet, Niels R. (Editor ), Raymond F. Bishop, Raymond F. (Editor )
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: World Scientific 2001.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Series Editorial Board and Other Committees; Foreword by the Editors; Scientific CVs of the Honorees; John Walter Clark; Alpo J. Kallio; Manfred Ristig; Sergio Rosati; A Historical Perspective; The Music of the QMBT Quartet; Formal Aspects of Many-Body Theory; Diagrams are Theoretical Physicist's Best Friends; Fourth Order Algorithms for Solving Diverse Many-Body Problems; Relativistic Quantum Dynamics of Many-Body Systems; Elastic N-body to N-body Scattering in the Hyperspherical Representation; A Generic Way to Look at Many-Body Theory; A Variational Coupled-Cluster Theory
  • Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics The Nuclear Equation of State and Neutron Star Structure; To Dress or Not to Dress; Fermi Hypernetted Chain Equations and Nuclear Many-Body Physics; Nuclear Matter with the Auxiliary Field Diffusion Monte Carlo Method; Three-Body Force Effects in Few-Nucleon Systems; Correlations in Nuclear Matter with Two-Time Green's Functions; Weak Proton Capture on 3 He and the Solar Neutrino Problem; Generalized Momentum Distribution of Infinite and Finite Nucleon Systems; The Translationally Invariant Coupled Cluster Method with Applications to Nuclear Systems
  • Mean Field Approach to Quark Matter in the NJL Model Effective Field Theory in Nuclear Many-Body Physics; Hyperspherical Methods for A > 4 Systems; Spin Systems; Ab initio Calculations of the Spin-Half XY Model; Quantum Antiferromagnets with Easy-Plane Anisotropy; Quantum Phase Transitions in Spin Systems; Quantum Fluids and Solids; Bose Condensation; Path Integral Monte Carlo Calculations of Symmetry-Breaking in Structural Phase Transitions; The Description of Strongly Interacting Systems Based on Jastrow Correlations and Configuration Interaction
  • The Many-Boson System in One-Dimension: Application to 4 He The Ground State of Trapped Bosons Beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii Approximation; Pairing of Impurities in Quantum Fluids; Strongly Correlated Electrons; Spin Polarizations of Quantum Hall States; Electronic Molecules in Condensed Matter; The Metal-Insulator Transition in 2D and New Phases of Quantum Localisation; Related Subjects; Information Representation in the Multi-Layer Perceptron; Classical and Quantum Lyapunov Exponents in the Phase-Space Tomographic Approach; Author Index; Subject Index