Tabla de Contenidos:
  • A Zd Ergodic Theorem with Large Normalising Constants
  • A Repeated Filling Scheme for Upcrossings
  • When is a Transitive Map Chaotic?
  • Une Nouvelle Loi Forte des Grands Nombres
  • An Approximation Condition for Large Deviations and Some Applications
  • Sets of Recurrence and Generalized Polynomials
  • The Strong Arc-Sine Law in Higher Dimensions
  • Integer and Fractional Parts of Good Averaging Sequences in Ergodic Theory
  • The Uniqueness of Induced Operators
  • On Convergence of Partial Sums of Independent Random Variables
  • Harmonic Analysis of Operators Associated with a Multiparameter Group of DilationsMarkov Matrices
  • Existence and Continuity of the Quadratic Variation of Strong Martingales
  • Convergence Rate in the Strong Law of Large Numbers for Markov Chains
  • A Mean Ergodic Theorem for [xxx]
  • Convergence of Ergodic Averages
  • Bourgain's Entropy Criteria
  • Self-Intersections of Closed Geodesies on a Negatively Curved Surface: Statistical Regularities
  • A Note on the Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Weighted Sums of Independent Identically Distributed Random Variables
  • Besicovitch Functions and Weighted Ergodic Theorems for LCA Group ActionsA Remark on the Strong Sweeping Out Property
  • Ergodic Invertible Liftings
  • The Uniform Ergodic Theorem for Dynamical Systems
  • Pointwise Fourier Inversion and Related Jacobi Polynomial Expansions
  • The Distribution of the Particles of a Branching Random Walk
  • On a Random Ergodic Theorem for Bistochastic Operators
  • A Central Limit Theorem for Conditional Distributions
  • Complex Methods in the Calculation of Some Distribution Functions
  • Exponential Integrability of Rademacher Series
  • Weighted Averages of Contractions Along SubsequencesOn Uniform Distribution of Sequences
  • Ergodic Theorems for Exit Laws
  • On Skew Products of Irrational Rotations with Tori