Tabla de Contenidos:
  • List of Contributors
  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Thematic conditions on syntactic structures: evidence from locative applicatives
  • 1. Background: benefactive and instrumental applicatives
  • 2. The problem of locative applicatives
  • 2.1. Chichewa
  • 2.2. Kinyarwanda and Sesotho
  • 3. The role of the applied affix
  • 4. Contrast 1: Chichewa vs. Sesotho
  • 5. Contrast 2: Kinyarwanda vs. Chichewa/Sesotho
  • 6. Chichewa benefactive applicatives revisited
  • 7. Implications
  • Notes
  • References
  • Morphology, semantics and argument structure
  • 1. Introduction2. Lexical-conceptual structure
  • 3. Morphological operations on LCS
  • 4. Verbal prefixation and LCS
  • 5. Middle verbs
  • 6. Conclusions
  • Notes
  • References
  • Deverbal compounds and the external argument
  • 1. English deverbal compounds
  • 2. Italian deverbal compounds
  • 3. Italian and English
  • 4. English deverbal compounds revisited
  • 5. Summary
  • Notes
  • References
  • Sentence accents and argument structure
  • 1. Bresnanâ€?s account: the Nuclear Stress Rule
  • 2. The generalization
  • 2.1 Difficulty of perceiving nonfinal accents2.2. Two PPâ€?s in one argument
  • 3. Exploiting the generalization
  • 3.1 Multiword predicates
  • 3.2. Embedded clauses
  • 4. Conclusion
  • Appendix
  • Notes
  • References
  • The syntactic character of thematic structure
  • 0. Introduction
  • 1. The double object construction
  • 2. Conflation as incorporation
  • 3. Other patterns of conflation
  • 4. Lexical representations
  • 5. D-structure representations
  • 6. Problems of method and the determination of Lexical Relational Structures
  • 7. Conflations and the English middle construction8. Conflation from the inner subject position
  • 9. The relational structures of location and locatum verbs
  • 10. Functional categories in the lexicon
  • 11. Some final remarks
  • Notes
  • References
  • Aspect and Theta Theory
  • 1. The problem
  • 2. Resultatives
  • 2.1. Small clauses
  • 2.2. Resultatives
  • 2.3. Conclusion
  • 3. Licensing
  • 3.1. The theory of modification
  • 3.2. Aspect and Aktionsart
  • 3.3. Licensing Resultatives
  • 3.4. Accomplishments
  • 4. Morphologically complex accomplishments5. Morphologically simplex verbs
  • 6. Conclusion
  • Notes
  • References
  • Raising in syntax, semantics and cognition
  • 1. Introduction and overview
  • 2. Raising patterns in syntax
  • 3. Raising patterns in semantics
  • 4. The function of raising
  • 5. Raising patterns in cognition
  • 6. Conclusion
  • Notes
  • References
  • Secondary predication as a diagnostic of underlying structure in Pama-Nyungan languages
  • 1. Part-whole constructions in Warlpiri
  • 2. Stative predicates in Warlpiri