Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Title Page; Preface; Contents; Section I. Critical Reviews; Guided Internet Treatment for Anxiety Disorders. As Effective as Face-To-Face Therapies?; Inter-Reality in the Evaluation and Treatment of Psychological Stress Disorders: The INTERSTRESS Project; Modeling the Social Networking Experience Objectifying the Subjective; The Use of Virtual Reality in the Treatment of Eating Disorders; Lessons Learned from the Development of Technological Support for PTSD Prevention: A Review; Virtual Worlds and Avatars as the New Frontier of Telehealth Care.
  • Adapting Computerized Treatments into Traditional Psychotherapy for DepressionWhat Is Positive Technology and Its Impact on CyberPsychology; Human Computer Confluence Applied in Healthcare and Rehabilitation; A Brief Review of Positive Technology in Europe and the USA; Section II. Evaluations Studies; Promotion of Emotional Wellbeing in Oncology Inpatients Using VR; Mobilizing Bystanders of Cyberbullying: An Exploratory Study into Behavioural Determinants of Defending the Victim; Influence of Parental Attitudes Towards Internet Use on the Employment of Online Safety Measures at Home.
  • Outcomes from a Pilot Study Using Computer-Based Rehabilitative Tools in a Military PopulationNicotine Craving: ERPs Correlates After VR Exposure to Smoking Cues; Reliability and Validity of TIPS Wireless ECG Prototypes; Associations Between Facial Emotion Recognition, Cognition and Alexithymia in Patients with Schizophrenia: Comparison of Photographic and Virtual Reality Presentations; Postural Control of Elderly: Moving to Predictable and Unpredictable Targets; Assessment of Executive Functions in Patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder by NeuroVR.
  • Exergaming for Elderly: Effects of Different Types of Game Feedback on Performance of a Balance TaskBalance Recovery Through Virtual Stepping Exercises Using Kinect Skeleton Tracking: A Follow-Up Study with Chronic Stroke Patients; Effectiveness Evaluation for Short-Term Group Pre-Deployment VR Computer-Assisted Stress Inoculation Training Provided to Polish ISAF Soldiers; Using Virtual Week to Assess Prospective Memory in Younger and Older Adults; Smiling Is Fun: A Coping with Stress and Emotion Regulation Program; The Effectiveness of VR Exposure Therapy for PTSD in Returning Warfighters.
  • Bottom-Up and Top-Down Influences of Beliefs on Emotional Responses: Fear of Heights in a Virtual EnvironmentImplicit Theory Manipulations Affecting Efficacy of a Smartphone Application Aiding Speech Therapy for Parkinson's Patients; Mindfulness Training Online for Stress Reduction, a Global Measure; Psychophysiologic Identification of Subthreshold PTSD in Combat Veterans; On the Comparison of VR-Responses, as Performance Measures in Prospective Memory, with Auditory P300 Responses in MCI Detection; Section III. Original Research.