Tabla de Contenidos:
  • A semantic view of syntax: Some verbs that govern infinitives
  • Continuous/Discrete: A reinterpretation of the mass/count feature of English common nouns
  • The direct object nexeme in English
  • Some nonrules of English
  • Observations on the passive construction
  • Two notes on comparatives
  • Intuitive rules and factual evidence: /-sp, -st, -sk/ plus [-z]
  • The frailty of grammatical concord
  • Jespersenâ€?s â€?Move and Changeâ€? class and causative verbs in English
  • Squinting grammar and the number of tenses in English
  • The â€?barred-iâ€? morphophone in EnglishA classical case of structural ambiguity or no ambiguity at all
  • The vowel of the imperfect prefix in Najdi Arabic
  • Some aspects of the semantic complexity of KaranÄ? conjunct verbs in Hindi
  • Developments in the Hebrew verbal system of Israeli children and youth
  • Barbareño Chumash text and lexicon
  • Order and reference in Aleut
  • Kurdish dialects in Eastern Turkey
  • Universal rules and vocalic devoicing in Southern Paiute
  • The semantic significance of S O V sequences in ArmenianPhonetic segments of Haida (Hydaburg dialect)
  • The interpretation of glottalized resonants in Straits Salish
  • The origin and development of Kituba (Lingua Franca Kikongo)
  • The main stress rule in Turkish
  • The phonology of the Mixtepec dialect of Mixtec
  • Some generative solutions to problems in Cashibo phonology
  • Constraints in Zapotec questions and relative clauses
  • Inventory and choice in expressive language
  • Cuna numeral classifiers
  • Complex verbs in Hindi