Tabla de Contenidos:
  • A Weil theorem for singular curves / Y. Aubry and M. Perret
  • An algorithm for characterizing linear bidimensional product codes / A.I. Barberro
  • MDS codes from hyperelliptic curves / M.A. de Boer
  • On hypersurfaces defined by a separated variables polynomial over a finite field / J.P. Cherdieu and R. Rolland
  • Class numbers for some hyperelliptic curves / I. Duursma
  • Generalized Hamming weights for duals of BCH codes, and maximal algebraic function fields / I. Duursma, H. Stichtenoth and C. Voss
  • On the Clifford defect for special curves / C. Kirfel
  • Number of points of plane sections and linear codes defined on algebraic varieties / G. Lachaud
  • Quadratic algebraic function fields with ideal class number two / D. Le Brigand
  • A survey of Ramanujan graphs / W.-C.W. Li
  • Codes associated to Grassmannians / D. Yu. Nogin
  • The shift bound for cyclic, Reed-Muller and geometric Goppa codes / R. Pellikaan.