Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Introduction
  • 1. Syntactic focus theory and the phenomenon of secondary predication
  • 2. Roadmap
  • 2. Syntactic representation of secondary predications
  • 1. The small clause analysis
  • 1.1. The theoretical program
  • 1.2. Stowellâ€?s dilemma: problems with the ungoverned status of PRO
  • 1.3. Alternative small clause proposals
  • 1.4. Hoekstraâ€?s (1988) generalization of the small clause analysis to resultatives
  • 1.5. Conclusion
  • 2. The predication theory analysis
  • 2.1. Williams (1980): the theory of predication
  • 2.2. Williamsâ€? (1983) arguments against small clauses2.3. Conclusion
  • 3. Distributional syntax of secondary predications
  • 3.1. Rothsteinâ€?s (1985) elaboration of the predication theory
  • 3.2. Culicover & Wilkins (1984, 1986): VP-internal representation of depictives
  • 3.3. McNulty (1988): modifications of Rothsteinâ€?s analysis
  • 3.4. Roberts (1988): the subject in VP hypothesis
  • 4. Defending a complex predicate analysis
  • 4.1. Larsonâ€?s (1988) complex predicate analysis
  • 4.2. Modification of Larsonâ€?s proposal
  • 4.3. Theta-theoretical considerations5. Conclusion
  • 3. Focus structure in a principle-based theory of grammar
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Focus as a syntactic feature: a historical development
  • 2.1. The syntactic approach
  • 2.2. The semantic-pragmatic approach
  • 2.3. Focus as new information
  • 2.4. The focus structure approach
  • 2.5. Conclusion
  • 3. The modularity of intonational models and the theory of focus
  • 3.1. Culicover & Rochemont (1983): a modular NSR-based account
  • 3.2. Gussenhoven (1983): focus domain formation replacing the NSR
  • 3.3. Selkirk (1984): a pitch-accent-first model3.4. Rochemont (1986): an elaborated pitch-accent-first model
  • 3.5. The concept of argument structure in Selkirkâ€?s and Rochemontâ€?s focus theories
  • 3.6. Excursion: Cinqueâ€?s (1993) revival of the syntactic approach
  • 4. Conclusion
  • 4. Focus theory and theta-saturation theory as methods of licensing
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. The intonational model
  • 3. The motivation of the intonational model
  • 3.1. WH-questions are not an exception to the DFA
  • 3.2. Focus assignment at D-structure
  • 3.3. Focus assignment and adjuncts3.4. Licensing, focus, and the argument-adjunct asymmetry in a derivational approach
  • 4. A generalization of the focus licensing principles
  • 4.1. Introduction
  • 4.2. The licensing theory of theta-saturation and argument structure
  • 4.3. Focus licensing principles revisited
  • 5. Conclusion
  • 5. Pitch extraction analysis of secondary predications: experimental data
  • 1. Introduction and experimental design
  • 2. Pitch extraction analysis of resultatives and depictives
  • 2.1. Transitive AP resultatives