
Thinking and Reasoning : an Introduction to the Psychology of Reason, Judgment and Decision Making.

The area of psychological research reviewed in this book is one that is not only increasing in popularity in college curricula, but is also making an ever larger impact on the world outside the classroom. Drawing upon research originally cited in Ken Manktelow's highly successful publication Re...

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Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Manktelow, Ken
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Hoboken : Francis, Taylor & amp ; 2012.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Thinking and Reasoning; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Chapter 1 : Judging and thinking about probability; Defining probability; Logical possibility; Frequency; Propensity; Degree of belief; Belief revision: Bayes' rule; Judging plain probalities; Logical possibilities; Frequencies; Taking samples: where our information comes from; Belief updating; Base rates: neglect or respect?; Belief revision by natural frequencies; Probability from the inside and the outside; The planning fallacy; Overconfi dence; The conjunction fallacy; Summary.
  • Chapter 2 : The study of reasoning: classic researchThe classical syllogism: reasoning with quantities; Validity; Reasoning with syllogisms; Patterns in human performance; Explaining the patterns of performance; Mental logic; Mental models; Probability heuristics; Summary; Chapter 3 : Reasoning with propositions; If: conditionals; Knowing p, knowing q : inferences and truth tables; Research results; The Wason selection task; Reasoning with Or: disjunctives; Research results; Wason's THOG problem; Summary; Chapter 4 : Reasoning and meaning; Facilitation: the study of content effects.
  • Deontic reasoning: thinking about rulesPragmatic reasoning schemas; Evolutionary approaches to deontic reasoning; Decision-theoretic approaches; Causal reasoning: thinking about how the world works; Causal reasoning about general events; The covariational approach to causal thinking; Prior knowledge and causal models; Causal models theory; Single cases and counterfactual thinking; Summary; Chapter 5 : Explaining reasoning: the classic approaches; Mental logic; Braine and O'Brien's theory of If; Rips' Psycop theory; The theory of mental models; Mental models and conditionals.
  • The selection taskContent and context; Illusory inferences; Causal and counterfactual reasoning; Summary; Chapter 6 : Explaining reasoning: the 'new paradigm'; Oaksford and Chater's Bayesian theory; Rational analysis; Matching bias; The deontic selection task; Conditional inference; Evans and Over's suppositional theory; The dual process theory; Dual processes in the selection task; Belief bias in syllogistic reasoning; Heuristic and analytic processes; Dual processes and dual systems; Dual minds; Summary; Chapter 7 : Hypothetical thinking: induction and testing; Induction.
  • Induction and deductionCategory-based induction; Extensions and explanations; Category-based induction without categories; Abduction: fi nding explanations and causes; Induction and deduction revisited; Hypothesis testing; Wason's 2 4 6 task and its descendants; Confi rmation bias; Better hypothesis testing; Hypothesis testing in the wild; Hypothetical thinking theory; Summary; Chapter 8 : Decision making: preference and prospects; Subjective expected utility; Principles and problems; Complex decisions; Preference; Different utilities; Competing options; Framing: the effects of description.