Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Temperamental Differences in Infants and Young Children; Contents; Temperament: concepts, issues and problems; Discussion; Temperament questionnaires in clinical research; Discussion; Temperament: a consideration of concepts and methods; Discussion; Temperament and relationships; Discussion; Temperamental characteristics of 3-4-year-olds and mother child interaction; Discussion; Temperamental differences, family relationships, and young children's response to change within the family; Discussion; GENERAL DISCUSSION I: Methods of assessment of temperament; Categorization of temperament.
  • Cross-cultural studiesIntrinsic determinants of temperament; Discussion; Influence of genetic factors on temperament development in early childhood; Discussion; Behavioural genetics and temperament; Discussion; Temperament and follow-up to adulthood; Discussion; Personality development and temperament; Discussion; Clinical use of temperament data in paediatrics; Discussion; Temperament and minor physical anomalies; Discussion; Infant temperament, maternal mental state and child behavioural problems; Discussion.
  • On the continuity, change and clinical value of infant temperament in a prospective epidemiological studyDiscussion; Temperamental patterns in aggressive boys; Discussion; Children's temperament and teachers' decisions; Discussion; GENERAL DISCUSSION II: Different approaches to the study of temperament and its disorders; Different approaches to the study of temperament and its disorders; Practical uses of temperament research; Measurement and categorization of temperament; Developmental issues; Temperament and family interactions; Chairman's closing remarks; Index of contributors.