Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Hepatotrophic Factors; Contents; Introduction; Ultrastructural and metabolic studies of isolated and cultured hepatocytes; Discussion; Kinetics of hepatocellular proliferation as a function of the microvascular structure and functional state of the liver; Discussion; Proliferation of hepatocytes; Discussion; Hormonal factors concerned with liver regeneration; Discussion; A hundred years of the hepatotrophic controversy; Discussion; Other views about the hepatotrophic concept; Discussion; Signals for insulin secretion; Signals for glucagon secretion; Discussion.
  • Liver atrophy, hypertrophy and regenerative hyperplasia in the rat: the relevance of blood flowDiscussion; Insulin as a cellular growth regulator; Insulin-induced liver hyperplasia: evidence for a negative liversize-correcting process; Discussion of the two preceding papers; Amino acid transport in isolated hepatocytes: effect of glucagon; Discussion; Hepatotrophic effects of pancreatic and gastrointestinal hormones in the rat in vivo and in vitro; Discussion; Studies on plasma cytotoxicity and liver regeneration in fulminant hepatic failure; Discussion.
  • Portacaval shunt for glycogen storage disease and hyperlipidaemiaDiscussion; Glycogen storage disease: new approaches to therapy; Discussion; Hepatotrophic factors: implications for diabetes mellitus; Discussion; General discussion; Index of contributors; Subject index.