Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Parent-Infant Interaction; Contents; Introduction; Mothers' and infants' roles: distinguishing the questions to be asked; Discussion; Prepartum and postpartum regulation of maternal behaviour in the rat; Discussion; Qualities of mother-infant relationships in monkeys; Discussion; Does human maternal behaviour after delivery show a characteristic pattern?; Discussion; Evidence for a sensitive period in the human mother; Discussion; Olfaction in the development of social preferences in the human neonate; Discussion; Breathing and sucking during feeding in the newborn; Discussion.
  • Early mother-infant reciprocityDiscussion; Consistency and change in styles of mothering; Discussion; How a rejecting baby may affect mother-infant synchrony; Discussion; A congenital contribution to emotional response in early infancy and the preschool period; Discussion; Mother-infant separation: some delayed consequences; Discussion; Cognitive aspects of preverbal social interactions between human infants and adults; Discussion; Parents of babies of very low birth-weight long-term follow-up; Discussion; Speculations on the relevance of developmental psychology to paediatrics; Discussion.
  • General Discussion: Neonatal care unitsSumming Up; Index of contributors; Subject index.