
Pentaho 3.2 Data Integration Beginner's Guide.

Explore, transform, validate, and integrate your data with ease.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Roldan, Maria Carina
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Birmingham : Packt Pub., 2010.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Pentaho 3.2 Data Integration Beginner's Guide; Pentaho 3.2 Data Integration; Credits; Foreword; The Kettle Project; About the Author; About the Reviewers; Preface; How to read this book; What this book covers; What you need for this book; Who this book is for; Conventions; Reader feedback; Customer support; Errata; Piracy; Questions; 1. Getting Started with Pentaho Data Integration; Pentaho Data Integration and Pentaho BI Suite; Exploring the Pentaho Demo; Pentaho Data Integration; Using PDI in real world scenarios; Loading datawarehouses or datamarts; Integrating data; Data cleansing.
  • Migrating informationExporting data; Integrating PDI using Pentaho BI; Pop quiz-PDI data sources; Installing PDI; Time for action-installing PDI; What just happened?; Pop quiz-PDI prerequisites; Launching the PDI graphical designer: Spoon; Time for action-starting and customizing Spoon; What just happened?; Spoon; Setting preferences in the Options window; Storing transformations and jobs in a repository; Creating your first transformation; Time for action-creating a hello world transformation; What just happened?; Directing the Kettle engine with transformations.
  • Exploring the Spoon interfaceViewing the transformation structure; Running and previewing the transformation; Time for action-running and previewing the hello_world transformation; What just happened?; ; Previewing the results in the Execution Results window; Pop quiz-PDI basics; Installing MySQL; Time for action-installing MySQL on Windows; What just happened?; Time for action-installing MySQL on Ubuntu; What just happened?; Summary; 2. Getting Started with Transformations; Reading data from files; Time for action-reading results of football matches from files; What just happened?
  • Input filesInput steps; Reading several files at once; Time for action-reading all your files at a time using a single Text file input step; What just happened?; Time for action reading all your files at a time using a single Text file input step and regular expressions; What just happened?; Regular expressions; Troubleshooting reading files; Grids; Have a go hero-explore your own files; Sending data to files; Time for action-sending the results of matches to a plain file; What just happened?; Output files; Output steps; Some data definitions; Rowset; Streams; The Select values step.
  • Have a go hero-extending your transformations by writing output filesGetting system information; Time for action-updating a file with news about examinations; What just happened?; Getting information by using Get System Info step; Data types; Date fields; Numeric fields; Running transformations from a terminal window; Time for action-running the examination transformation from a terminal window; What just happened?; Have a go hero-using different date formats; Go for a hero formatting 99.55; Pop quiz-formatting data; XML files.