Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Preface: Linguistic and anthropological approaches to cognition Robert; Introduction: On construing the world; Seeing it in more than one way; Possession and possessive constructions; What lack needs to have: A study in the cognitive semantics of privation; The construal of cause: The case of cause prepositions; Conceptual grammaticalization and prediction; Metaphors of anger in Japanese; Looking back at anger: Cultural traditions and metaphorical patterns; Anger: Its language, conceptualization, and physiology in the light of cross-cultural evidence.
  • The metaphorical conception of mind: "Mental activity is manipulation"Vantage theory; The terror of Montezuma: Aztec history, vantage theory, and the category of "person"; Selection of Japanese categories during social interaction; Genus, species, and vantages; On construing the world of language; Index of names; Subject index; Contributors.