The Supreme Court A to Z /
Offers accessible information about the Supreme Court, including its history, traditions, organization, dynamics, and personalities.
Clasificación: | Libro Electrónico |
Autor principal: | |
Formato: | Electrónico eBook |
Idioma: | Inglés |
Publicado: |
Thousand Oaks, Calif. :
CQ Press,
Edición: | 5th ed. |
Colección: | CQ's American government A to Z series.
Temas: | |
Acceso en línea: | Texto completo |
Tabla de Contenidos:
- A. Abortion
- Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
- Affirmative action
- Aliens
- Alito, Samuel A., Jr.
- Amending process
- American Bar Association
- Amicus curiae
- Antitrust
- Appeal
- Appointment and removal power
- Arguments
- Arms, right to bear
- Arrests
- Assembly, freedom of
- Assigning opinions
- Association, freedom of
- Attainder, bill of
- Attorney General
- B. Background of justices
- Bail
- Baker v. Carr
- Baldwin, Henry
- Barbour, Philip P.
- Bar of the Supreme Court
- Bill of Rights
- Black, Hugo L.
- Blackmun, Harry A.
- Blair, John, Jr.
- Blatchford, Samuel
- Bradley, Joseph P.
- Brandeis, Louis D.
- Brennan, William J., Jr.
- Brewer, David J.
- Breyer, Stephen G.
- Brief
- Brown, Henry B.
- Brown v. Board of Education
- Burger, Warren E.
- Burton, Harold H.
- Bush v. Gore
- Busing
- Butler, Pierce
- Byrnes, James F.
- C. Calhoun, John C.
- Campaigns and elections
- Campbell, John A.
- Capital punishment
- Cardozo, Benjamin N.
- Case law
- Case or controversy rule
- Catron, John
- Certiorari
- Chase, Salmon P.
- Chase, Samuel
- Chief Justice
- Child labor
- Circuit riding
- Citizenship
- Civil liberties
- Civil rights
- Civil War amendments
- Clark, Tom C.
- Clarke, John H.
- Class Action
- Clay, Henry
- Clerk of the Court
- Clerks
- Clifford, Nathan
- Comity
- Commerce power
- Common law
- Communism
- Concurring opinions
- Conferences
- Confessions
- Confirmation process
- Congress and the Court
- Congressional immunity
- Constitutional law
- Contempt of court
- Contract clause
- Cost of Supreme Court
- Counsel, right to legal
- Counselor to the Chief Justice
- Courts, lower
- Courts, powers of
- Criminal law and procedure
- Cruel and unusual punishment
- Curator's Office
- Currency powers
- Curtis, Benjamin R.
- Cushing, William
- D. Daniel, Peter V.
- Davis, David
- Davis, John W.
- Day, William R.
- Decision days
- De facto, de jure
- Defendant
- Disability rights
- Discrimination
- Dissenting opinions
- Diversity jurisdiction
- Docket
- Double jeopardy
- Douglas, William O.
- Due process
- Duvall, Gabriel
- E. Education and the Court
- Elections and the Court
- Electronic surveillance
- Ellsworth, Oliver
- Equal protection
- Exclusionary rule
- Executive privilege and immunity
- Ex parte
- Ex post facto
- Extrajudicial activities
- F. Federalism
- Federal Judicial Center
- Felony
- Field, Stephen J.
- Flag salute cases
- Foreign affairs
- Fortas, Abe
- Frankfurter, Felix
- Fuller, Melville W.
- G. Garland, Augustus H.
- Gay rights
- Gibbons v. Ogden
- Gideon v. Wainwright
- Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
- Goldberg, Arthur J.
- Grand jury
- Gray, Horace
- Grier, Robert C.
- H. Habeas corpus
- Hamilton, Alexander
- Harlan, John Marshall (1833-1911)
- Harlan, John Marshall (1899-1971)
- Historical Society, Supreme Court
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
- Housing the Court
- Hughes, Charles Evans
- Hunt, Ward
- I. Impeachment
- Impeachment of justices
- Income tax
- Incorporation doctrine
- Indictment
- In forma pauperis
- Injunction
- Intellectual property
- International law
- Internet
- Internment cases
- Iredell, James
- J. Jackson, Andrew
- Jackson, Howell E.
- Jackson, Robert H.
- Jay, John
- Jefferson, Thomas
- Job discrimination
- Johnson, Thomas
- Johnson, William
- Judgment of the Court
- Judicial activism
- Judicial Conference of the United States
- Judicial restraint
- Judicial review
- Juries
- Jurisdiction
- Justiciability
- K. Kagan, Elena
- Kennedy, Anthony M.
- L. Lamar, Joseph R.
- Lamar, Lucius Q.C.
- Legal Office of the Court
- Legal system in America
- Legal tender cases
- Legislative veto
- Libel
- Library of the Court
- Lincoln, Abraham
- Livingston, H. Brockholst
- Loyalty oaths
- Lurton, Horace H.
- M. Majority opinion
- Mandamus
- Mandatory jurisdiction
- Marbury v. Madison
- Marshal of the Court
- Marshall, John
- Marshall, Thurgood
- Matthews, Stanley
- McCulloch v. Maryland
- McKenna, Joseph
- McKinley, John
- McLean, John
- McReynolds, James C.
- Media and the Court
- Merits, on the
- Miller, Samuel F.
- Minton, Sherman
- Miranda v. Arizona
- Misdemeanor
- Moody, William H.
- Moore, Alfred
- Mootness
- Murphy, Frank
- N. Nelson, Samuel
- New York Times Co. v. Sullivan
- Nixon, Richard
- Nomination to the Court
- O. Oaths of office
- Obiter dictum
- Obscenity and indecency
- O'Connor, Sandra Day
- Official immunity
- Open housing
- Operations of the Court
- Opinions
- Original intent
- Original jurisdiction
- P. Pardons
- Parochial schools, aid to
- Paterson, William
- Pay and perquisites
- Peckham, Rufus W.
- Pentagon Papers case
- Per curiam opinion
- Personal papers
- Petition, right of
- Petitioner
- Pitney, Mahlon
- Plaintiff
- Plea bargaining
- Plessy v. Ferguson
- Plurality opinion
- Police power
- Political question
- Politics and the Court
- Powell, Lewis E., Jr.
- Precedent
- Preemption
- The President and the Court
- Press, freedom of
- Prima facie
- Privacy, right of
- Probable cause
- Property rights
- Public accommodations
- Public Information Office
- Public opinion and the Court
- R. Ratings of justices
- Reagan, Ronald
- Reapportionment and redistricting
- Reed, Stanley F.
- Rehnquist, William H.
- Religion, freedom of
- Remand
- Removal of cases
- Reporter of decisions
- Resignation
- Respondent
- Retirement
- Reversals of earlier rulings
- Reversals of rulings by constitutional amendment
- Reversals of rulings by legislation
- Ripeness
- Roberts, John G., Jr.
- Roberts, Owen J.
- Roe v. Wade
- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
- Rutledge, John
- Rutledge, Wiley B.
- S. Sanford, Edward T.
- Scalia, Antonin
- Schedule of arguments and conferences
- School desegregation
- School prayer
- Scottsboro cases
- Scott v. Sandford
- Seal of the Supreme Court
- Search and seizure
- Sedition laws
- Segregation
- Selective Service rulings
- Self-incrimination
- Seniority
- Sentencing guidelines
- Separation of powers
- Severability
- Sex discrimination
- Shiras, George, Jr.
- Size of the Court
- Slaughterhouse cases
- Slavery and the Court
- Solicitor General
- Sotomayor, Sonia
- Souter, David H.
- Speech, commercial
- Speech, freedom of
- Speedy trial, right to
- Spending powers
- Standing to sue
- Stare decisis
- States and the Court
- Stevens, John Paul
- Stewart, Potter
- Stone, Harlan Fiske
- Story, Joseph
- Strict construction
- Strong, William
- Subpoena
- Summary judgment
- Supremacy clause
- Supreme Court building
- Sutherland, George
- Swayne, Noah H.
- T. Taft, William Howard
- Taney, Roger B.
- Taxing power
- Temporary restraining order
- Term limits
- Term of the Court
- Test case
- Thomas, Clarence
- Thompson, Smith
- Three-judge court
- Todd, Thomas
- Tort law
- Traditions of the Court
- Travel, right to
- Treaty power
- Trials
- Trimble, Robert
- U. Unconstitutional statutes
- United States Reports
- V. Vacancy
- Vacate
- Van Devanter, Willis
- Veto power
- Vinson, Frederick M.
- Voting rights
- W. Waite, Morrison R.
- War powers
- Warren, Earl
- Washington, Bushrod
- Wayne, James M.
- Webster, Daniel
- White, Byron R.
- White, Edward D.
- Whittaker, Charles E.
- Wilson, James
- Woodbury, Levi
- Woods, William B.
- Workload of the Court
- Writing opinions
- Y. Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. v. Sawyer
- Z. Zoning
- Reference material. Historic milestones of the Court
- Supreme Court nominations, 1789-2011
- Seat chart of the Justices
- Constitution of the United States
- Online sources of decisions.