Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Corruption and Reform in India; Title; Copyright; Contents; Figures; Tables; Preface and Acknowledgments; 1: Introduction; A NEW ERA OF REFORM; ACCOUNTING FOR REFORM
  • A POLITICAL ECONOMY OF CORRUPTION AND REFORM; Corruption and the Incentives to Reform; Electoral Constituencies and Targeted Goods; Party Systems and Political Capacity; METHODOLOGY; DATA AND SOURCES; OVERVIEW OF THE BOOK; 2: Explaining the Politics of Technology-Enabled Public Services; TECHNOLOGY-ENABLED ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM IN PERSPECTIVE; From the Progressives to Privatization.
  • POLITICAL INCENTIVES AND REFORMIndian Politics and Administrative Reform; Corruption and the Indian Citizen; INCENTIVES, CONSTRAINTS, AND REFORM; The Threats and Opportunities of Corruption; The Role of Targeted Goods; Political Capacity and Reform; EXPLAINING REFORM OUTCOMES; The Timing of Reform; The Scope of Reform; Ownership, Management, and the Scale of Reform; CONCLUSION; 3: Do Reforms Affect the Quality of Services?; REFORM STRATEGIES; Technology-Enabled Public Service Delivery; India's One-Stop, Computerized Service Centers; EFFECTS OF REFORM IN KARNATAKA; POLICY REFORM IN KARNATAKA.
  • EVALUATING REFORM OUTCOMESResearch Design and Structure of Surveys; Citizen Survey; Findings for the Observational Survey; Experimental Survey; Findings for the Field Experiment; DISCUSSION; EXTERNAL VALIDITY; Within-Study Considerations; Regional Considerations; Ownership and Management Models; Variation in Available Services; CONCLUSION; 4: Policy Initiation in the Indian States; THE EMERGENCE OF A ONE-STOP MODEL; Andhra Pradesh; THE SPREAD OF THE ONE-STOP MODEL; Findings: Petty Corruption, State Capacity, and the Timing of Policy Initiation.
  • POLICY ADOPTION EXPERIENCES IN MADHYA PRADESH AND KARNATAKAMadhya Pradesh; Karnataka; CONCLUSION; 5: The Scope of Reform I: Patterns of Policy Implementation; THE NUMBER AND TYPES OF SERVICES; CORRUPTION AND THE QUANTITY OF SERVICES; CORRUPTION AND THE TYPES OF SERVICES; MECHANISMS OF SERVICE SELECTION AND PROVISION; Gujarat; Andhra Pradesh; Chhattisgarh; Himachal Pradesh; Punjab; Tamil Nadu and Delhi; THE EXTENT OF COMPUTERIZATION AND AUTOMATION; Haryana; Chhattisgarh; CONCLUSION; 6: The Scope of Reform II: Coalition Governments; Kerala; Karnataka; Orissa; Maharashtra; Uttar Pradesh.
  • CONCLUSION7: From "Petty" to "Grand" Corruption: Ownership, Management, and the Scale of Reform; PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS AND TECHNOLOGY-BASED REFORM IN INDIA; Models of Ownership and Management; State Ownership and Operation; Entrepreneur Ownership and Operation; Private Company (Ownership and) Operation; Predictions; MEASURING GRAND CORRUPTION; TRENDS IN OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT MODELS; OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT CHOICES IN THE STATES; Kerala; CORRUPTION AND THE SCALE OF SERVICE-CENTER IMPLEMENTATION; OWNERSHIP, SCALE, AND MEDIUM-TERM OUTCOMES; Punjab; West Bengal; Andhra Pradesh.