
Woodrow Wilson : Essential Writings and Speeches of the Scholar-President.

From the Ivy League to the oval office, Woodrow Wilson was the only professional scholar to become a U.S. president. A professor of history and political science, Wilson became the dynamic president of Princeton University in 1902 and was one of its most prolific scholars before entering active poli...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: DiNunzio, Mario R.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York : NYU Press, 2006.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Acknowledgments; Chronology; Preface; INTRODUCTION; Woodrow Wilson: Scholar-President; 1 On Religion; Early Religious Essays; The Clergyman and the State; The Bible and Progress; 2 Biographical Sketches; William Earl Chatham; John Bright; An Old Master: Adam Smith; Edmund Burke: The Man and His Times; Benjamin Franklin; Abraham Lincoln: A Man of the People; 3 On Education and Scholarship; True Scholarship; On the Study of Politics:Address to Princeton Alumni; Mere Literature; Inaugural Address as President of Princeton; The Princeton Preceptorial System.
  • My Ideal of the True UniversityOn the Importance of the Liberal Arts: Address to the Association of American Universities; 4 The Historian; On the Writing of History; The Course of American History; The Making of the Nation; States Rights; The Reconstruction of the Southern States; The Significance of American History; 5 The Political Scientist; Cabinet Government in the United States; Congressional Government; Socialism and Democracy; The State; The English Constitution; Democracy; Presidential Address to the American PoliticalScience Association: The Law and the Facts; 6 New Jersey Politics.
  • Government and BusinessConservatism: True and False; Inaugural as Governor; The Democratic Opportunity; Campaign Speech for Governorship; 7 Road to the White House; A Labor Day Address in Buffalo; The New Freedom; Appeal to Republicans; 8 President Wilson; Presidential Inaugural Address; Address at Gettysburg; Addressing Congress on Tariff andAnti-Trust Reforms; Remarks on Women's Suffrage; An Address on Latin American Policy; On Relations with Mexico; An Appeal for Neutrality in World War I; Essential Terms for Peace in Europe.
  • Address to a Joint Session of CongressCalling for a Declaration of WarThe Fourteen Points; League of Nations Address before the SecondPlenary Session of the Peace Conference; Appeal for Support of the League of Nationsat Pueblo, Colorado; Bibliography; Index; About the Editor.