
How to Become Filthy, Stinking Rich Through Network Marketing : Without Alienating Friends and Family.

A contemporary approach to network marketing - from the author of the million-copy bestseller, Your First Year in Network Marketing. This is a book about reality - an unpleasant reality that no one seems to want to address. A large number of the population was hit with substantial loss of income and...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Yarnell, Mark
Otros Autores: Bates, Valerie, Hall, Derek, Hall, Shelby
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Contents; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Part I: Why Network Marketing?; Chapter 1: How a Growing Industry Can Make you Rich; Chapter 2: Network Marketing for Boomers; Chapter 3: The Most Important Decision in Network Marketing; Who's Running the Show?; Start-Up or Stable?; Growing or Maturing?; Is the Product Proven?; What's the Support System?; What's the Compensation Plan?; Who Makes and Supplies the Product?; What's the Long-Term Outlook?; Chapter 4: You Don't Have to Alienate Friends and Family; Chapter 5: How Women Networkers Get Rich.
  • Reasons Women Survive and Thrive in Networking; Women Bring Natural Talents to Business; The Top Concern of Women; How Women Can Improve the Networking Industry; Chapter 6: Money Isn't the Only Adult Report Card; Chapter 7: The Distribution Model of the Future; Part II: Your Acceleration Toolkit--the First 90 Days; Chapter 8: Deal with Yourself; The Four Foundational Cornerstones of your Business; First Foundational Cornerstone: Your Locus of Control; Second Foundational Cornerstone: Your Purpose and Vision; Third Foundational Cornerstone: Your Honest Assessment of Current Reality.
  • Fourth Foundational Cornerstone: Your Belief; Chapter 9: Practice the Professional Habits that Drive Success; The Six Habits of Professionals; Persevere Through Planting Seeds Every Day; Chapter 10: Practical Ways to Grow a Highly Profitable Business; Five Major Competencies; Competency 1: How to Build a Tremendous Network; Competency 2: How to Expose/Invite; Competency 3: How to Present the Whole Story; Competency 4: How to Follow-Up and Validate; Competency 5: How to Support and Lead your Team; A 90-Day Game Plan to Launch and Relaunch your Business.
  • Chapter 11: How to Recognize People and Circumstances that Can Poison your Potential; Mapping the Toxic Bombs; Chapter 12: Simple Tools for Dramatic Leadership; Chapter 13: Servant Leadership; Background of Servant Leadership; Characteristics of Servant Leadership; How Servant Leadership Applies to your Business; Part III: Your Marketing Toolkit--After the First 90 Days; Chapter 14: The 100K Toolkit; Tool 1: Unilateral Focus; Tool 2: The Cross-Platform Exposure Implement; Tool 3: Accessible Validation Master; Tool 4: The Woy; Tool 5: Insignificant Avoidance Strategy; Tool 6: The Insurance Policy.
  • Chapter 15: The Ultimate Rejection-Free Recruiting Strategies; Understanding Rejection; The Rejection-Free Strategies; Conclusion; About the Authors; Index.