
Nuclear Medicine Imaging: An Encyclopedic Dictionary /

The rapidly growing and somewhat complex area of nuclear medicine imaging receives only limited attention in broad-based medical dictionaries. This encyclopedic dictionary is intended to fill the gap. More than 400 entries of between one and three paragraphs are included, defining and carefully expl...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Thie, Joseph A.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Nuclear Medicine Imaging: An Encyclopedic Dictionary; Copyright Page; Preface; Contents; A; 2D mode; 3D mode; 4D; Absorbed dose; Accuracy; Acquisition time; Activity; Activity concentration; ALARA; Algorithm; Anger camera; Annihilation; Anterior; Area under the curve; Artifact; Asymmetry index; Atom; Attenuation; Attenuation coefficient; Attenuation correction; AUC; Autoradiograph; Autoradiography; Axial; B; Background; Background correction; Backprojection; Baseline; Becquerel; Bed; Bed position; Beta; Beta particle; Bias; Binding potential; Biological clearance rate; Biological half-life.
  • Blank scanBlood flow; Blood volume; BP; Brodmann's area; Bull's eye; C; Calibration factor; CAT; Caudal; CBF; Center of rotation; Cerebral blood flow; Cine; Circumferential profile; Clearance; Clearance rate; Coefficient of variance; Coefficient of variation; Cold spot; Collimator; Color scale; Compartment; Compartmental model; Computed tomography; Computer assisted tomography; Computer modeling; Computerized axial tomography; Concentration; Confidence interval; Conjugate views; Constraints; Contour; Contrast; Contrast agent; Contrast medium; Convolution; COR; Coregistration; Coronal.
  • Correlation coefficientCost function; Count rate; Counter; Counting efficiency; Counts per minute; Counts per second; Cow; cpm; cps; Cross calibration; CT; CT number; Curie; Cutoff frequency; CV; Cycles per second; Cyclotron; D; DAR; Decay; Decay constant; Derivative; DICOM; Differential absorption ratio; Differential uptake ratio; Diffuse; Disintegration constant; Disintegration rate; Disintegrations per minute; Disintegrations per second; Distal; Distribution; Distribution activity ratio; Distribution function; Distribution volume; Dorsal; Dose; Dose calibrator; Dose equivalent; Dose rate.
  • Dpmdps; Dual-time scan; DUR; Dynamic range; Dynamic scan; E; EDV; Effective half-life; Ejection fraction; Electron; Electron volt; Electronic collimation; Elution; Emission scan; End diastolic volume; End systolic volume; Energy; Equivalent dose; Equivalent time; ESV; eV; Exponential; Exposure; Extraction fraction; Extravasation; F; FDG; Fiducial marker; Field of view; Filter; Filtered backprojection; Flood field; Flood image; Flood source; Fluorodeoxyglucose; Focal; Fourier analysis; FOV; Frame; Frequency; Full width at half maximum; Functional imaging; Fused image; FWHM; G; Gamma.
  • Gamma cameraGamma radiation; Gantry; Gate; Gated scan; Gaussian; Gaussian distribution; Generator; Geometric mean; Gjedde-Patlak plot; Glucose level; Gray; Gray scale; H; Half-life; Header tag; Histogram; Horizontal long axis; Hot spot; Hounsfield unit; HU; Hybrid imaging; I; ID; Identifiability; Image; Image feature; Imaging phantom; Inferior; Influx constant; Infusion pump; Infusion rate; Injected dose; Input function; Integral; Intercept; Ionizing radiation; Isocontour; Isotope; Iteration; Iterative reconstruction; JK; JPEG; Kinetic analysis; L; Label; Lateral; Least squares; Ligand.