Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter I. Space Platforms
  • Perspectives in Space Transportation
  • U.S. Laboratory Module: Its Capabilities and Accommodations to Support User Payloads
  • ARIES: The Ariane 5 Extended Stage for Orbital Transfer and Rendezvous
  • Columbus Operations: Planning and Execution
  • Computer-Aided Conceptual Design and Cost Modeling of Space Transportation Systems
  • The Techniques of Manned On-Orbit Assembly
  • On the Orbiter Based Construction of the Space Station and Associated Dynamics
  • Space Transportation: Options and OpportunitiesChapter II. Material Processing and Fluid Mechanics in Microgravity
  • Space Processing of Metals and Alloys
  • Economics and Rationale for Material Processing Using Free-Flying Platforms
  • Commercial Prospects for Bioprocessing in Space
  • Electronic Materials Processing and the Microgravity Environment
  • Containerless Science for Materials Processing
  • Kinetic of the Soret Effect and Its Measurement Under Microgravity Conditions
  • Chapter III. Satellite Communication
  • Communication Satellite Technology Development SurveyDesign Considerations for Multibeam Frequency Re-Use Maritime Mobile Satellite System
  • The Distress Radio Call System and First Results of the Preoperational Demonstration
  • Integrated Mobile Services in Selected Areas
  • Galactic Communication with Small Duty Cycles
  • Advanced Technological Aspects of a Wideband Communications Satellite for Europe
  • Communication Satellite and Related Advanced Technologies in Japan
  • Chapter IV. Remote Sensing
  • Transportable Tracking and Receiving Station for Polar Orbiting Remote Sensing SatellitesApplication of Landsat MSS and TM Data to Geological Resource Exploration
  • The Landsat Sensors: EOSAT's Plans for Landsats 6 and 7
  • Alternatives for Mapping from Satellites
  • JEOS: A Low-Cost Approach to Earth Observations
  • Second-Generation MOMS: A Low-Cost and Flexible Instrument with Stereoscopic and Multispectral Modes for Developing Countries
  • Typology of Lagoba: Ngooxoor's Landscapes (Saalum's Estuary) Using Data from Spot 1 Satellite
  • Chapter V. Propulsion In Space
  • Propulsion for the Space StationSpace Shuttle RCS Plumes: Radiation and Temperature Measurement on Mission 51-G
  • Light Weight Electrostatic Generator for Aerospace and Other Uses: Cylindrical Parametric Generator
  • Chapter VI. Lunar Activities
  • Lunar-Based Energy and Power Systems
  • Concrete for Lunar Base Construction
  • Physical Properties of Concrete Made with Apollo 16 Lunar Soil Sample
  • Author Index for Volume 110