Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Contents; Introduction; THE IRON HUNTER; Glossary; Contents; 1 Wolves-Human and Otherwise; 2 What's in Your Name or Mine?; 3 Natural Born Rebels; 4 Poverty That Cramps and Then Expands the Soul; 5 Wild Boyhood Dreams Fill My Mind and I Act Upon Them; 6 Swept into the Human Maelstrom of Chicago; 7 I Drive a Coal Wagon-Pile Lumber-Capture a Murderer and Dock Wallop in Milwaukee; 8 Married on Credit I Give My Bride a Five-Cent Bouquet and We Take a Wedding Trip on a Street Car; 9 I Undertake the Study of Iron Ore and Engage in Exploration and Prospecting.
  • 10 My First Trip into the Trackless Wilds of Unexplored Canada11 Charmed by the Beauty of Sault de Sainte Marie and Fascinated by Its Environs I Choose It as a Home for Life; 12 I Am Used as a Political Fulcrum by Jay Hubbell to Pry Out Sam Stephenson; 13 The Sacrifice of General Alger to Appease Political Blood Howlers; 14 My Association with Hazen S. Pingree Plunges Me into Politics Deeper than Ever; 15 I Become a Candidate for Governor to Succeed Hazen S. Pingree; 16 The Poetry, Charm, Romance, and Usefulness of Iron Ore; 17 Iron Ore Bacteria.
  • 18 Reading the Story of the Stones as Printed on the Pages of the Earth's Surface19 Great Lean Outcropping of Iron Ore Unseen under the Very Eyes of the World; 20 Into the Heart of the Arctic Lapland Where the Mysteries Are Attuned to the Muffled Footfalls of Silence; 21 Deposits of Iron Ore and Beds of Coal under the Shadow of the Pole; 22 A Starvation Hike to Hunt for a Hidden Range of Iron Ore; 23 Fatherly Attitude of John W. Gates and John J. Mitchell; 24 Eating Moose Meat from One Year's End to Another at the Moose Mountain Camp.
  • 25 Sir Donald Mann Proposes to Use Double-Bitted Axes as Weapons in a Duel with a Russian Count26 World Workers in Iron in All Ages; 27 Concentration of Lean Ores in the United States-Siderite-Magnetite-Hematite; 28 Accidental Fortunes from Iron Ore; 29 Mesaba Range in Minnesota, the Greatest Iron Ore District the World Has Ever Known; 30 Consideration of Charles Evans Hughes, Woodrow Wilson, and Others in Searching for a Successor to James B. Angell at the University of Michigan; 31 Tom May's Kerry Philosophy a Social Thermometer; 32 I Am Elected Governor of Michigan.
  • 33 I Start a Fight against the Saloon That Keeps Up to the End34 Fighting for the Life of Michigan against the Human Bloodsuckers That Subsist on Society Everywhere; 35 My Part in the Presidential Campaign of 1912; 36 Off for Madagascar, Asia, and Africa for a Long Tour in the Unusual Parts of the Earth; 37 Some References to Burma, Ceylon, Cochin-China, Turkestan, Persia; 38 I Discover Another Great Iron Ore Range That Will Someday Help to Supply the World; 39 Many People of Michigan Again Urge Me to Take Up the Gonfalon for Better Things in the State; 40 In Conclusion.