Tabla de Contenidos:
  • FOREIGN POLICY OF THE UNITED STATES VOLUME 4; FOREIGN POLICY OF THE UNITED STATES; CONTENTS; PREFACE; AFGHANISTAN: NARCOTICS AND U.S. POLICY; SUMMARY; INTRODUCTION; AFGHANISTAN'S OPIUM ECONOMY; Current Production Statistics; UNODC PROJECTIONS AND U.S. ASSESSMENTS, 20097; Obama Administration Strategic Review and Funding Requests; ISSUES FOR CONGRESS; Breaking the Narcotics-Insecurity Cycle; Balancing Counterterrorism, Counterinsurgency, and Counternarcotics; Defining the Role of the U.S. Military and ISAF; Targeting and Enforcement.
  • Defense Authorization and the Provision of Equipment and WeaponryAlternative Livelihoods and Development; Eradication; Central Government and Governor-Led Eradication; Manual or Aerial Herbicide-based Eradication; Counternarcotics Assistance Certification and Reporting Requirements; Certification Requirements; Reporting Requirements; BACKGROUND; Opium and Afghanistan's War Economy; Taliban Era; Post-Taliban Resurgence; ACTORS IN AFGHANISTAN'S OPIUM ECONOMY; Farmers; LAND OWNERS AND LABORERS; CORRUPT OFFICIALS AND MILITIA; Traffickers and Criminal Syndicates; Taliban and Insurgent Groups.
  • OPIUM PROFITS AND AFGHANISTAN'S ECONOMIC RECOVERYTRAFFICKING AND CONSUMPTION MARKETS; Trafficking to the United States; Russia; Western Europe; REGIONAL SECURITY IMPLICATIONS; Central and South Asia85; Tajikistan; Pakistan; Iran; AFGHAN AND U.S. COUNTERNARCOTICS POLICIES; Afghan Counternarcotics Policies, Programs, and Forces; Bans, Prohibitions, and Policy Statements; Institutions and Forces; U.S. Policy Initiatives: The "Five-Pillar" Plan; Public Information; Judicial Reform; Alternative Livelihood Development; Interdiction; Eradication; CITED FIELD SURVEYS AND RESEARCH STUDIES; End Notes.
  • AFGHANISTAN: POST-TALIBAN GOVERNANCE, SECURITY, AND U.S. POLICYSUMMARY; BACKGROUND; From Early History to the 19th Century; Early 20th Century and Cold War Era; Geneva Accords (1988) and Soviet Withdrawal; The Mujahedin Government and Rise of the Taliban; Taliban Rule (September 1996- November 2001); The "Northern Alliance" Congeals; Policy Pre-September 11, 2001; September 11 Attacks and Operation Enduring Freedom; POST-TALIBAN NATION BUILDING8; Political Transition; Bonn Agreement; Permanent Constitution; First Post-Taliban Elections; 2009 and 2010 Elections and Candidates.
  • Outlines of the ContestGovernance Issues; Expanding and Reforming Central Government/Corruption; Marginalization of Regional Strongmen; Militia Disarmament: DDR and DIAG Programs; Anti-Corruption Efforts; Enhancing Local Governance; U.S. Embassy/Budgetary Support to Afghan Government; Human Rights and Democracy; Religious Freedom; Human Trafficking; Advancement of Women; Overall Democracy and Governance Funding Issues; Combating Narcotics Trafficking 17; POST-WAR SECURITY OPERATIONS AND FORCE CAPACITY BUILDING; Taliban, Al Qaeda, and Related Insurgent Groups; Al Qaeda/Bin Laden Whereabouts.