
Electromagnetic analysis using transmission line variables /

This book employs a relatively new method for solving electromagnetic problems, one which makes use of a transmission line matrix (TLM). The propagation space is imagined to be filled with this matrix. The propagating fields and physical properties are then mapped onto the matrix. Mathematically, th...

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Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Weiner, Maurice
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New Jersey : World Scientific, ©2010.
Edición:2nd ed.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Introduction to transmission lines and their application to electromagnetic phenomena. 1.1. Simple experimental example. 1.2. Examples of impulse sources. 1.3. Model outline. 1.4. Application of model to small node resistance. 1.5. Transmission line theory background. 1.6. Initial conditions of special interest. One dimensional TLM analysis. Comparison with finite difference method. 1.7. TLM iteration method. 1.8. Reverse TLM iteration. 1.9. Derivation of scattering coefficients for reverse iteration. 1.10. Complete TLM iteration (combining forward and reverse iterations). 1.11. Finite difference method. Comparison with TLM method. Two dimensional TLM analysis. Comparison with finite difference method. 1.12. Boundary conditions at 2D node. 1.13. Static behavior about 2D node. 1.14. Non-static example : Wave incident on 2D node. 1.15. Integral rotational properties of field about the node. 1.16. 2D TLM iteration method for nine cell core matrix. 1.17. 2D finite difference method. Comparison with TLM method. 1.18. Final comments : Inclusion of time varying signals and phase coherence
  • 2. Notation and mapping of physical properties. 2.1. 1D cell notation and mapping of conductivity and field. 2.2. Neighboring 1D cells with unequal impedance. 2.3. 2D cell notation, mapping of conductivity and field. 2.4. Simultaneous conductivity contributions. 2.5. 3D cell notation, mapping of conductivity and field. Other node controlled properties. 2.6. Node control of 2D scattering coefficients due to finite node resistance. 2.7. Signal gain. 2.8. Signal generation. Use of node coupling. 2.9. Mode conversion. Example of mapping : Node resistance in photoconductive semiconductor. 2.10. Semiconductor switch geometry (2D). 2.11. Node resistance profile in semiconductor
  • 3. Scattering equations. 3.1. 1D scattering equation. 3.2. 2D scattering equations. 3.3. Effect of symmetry on scattering coefficients. 3.4. 3D scattering equations : Coplanar scattering. General scattering, including scattering normal to propagation plane. 3.5. Simple 3D equivalent TLM circuit. 3.6. Quasi-coupling. 3.7. Neglect of quasi-coupling. 3.8. Simple quasi-coupling circuit. First order approximation. 3.9. Correction to quasi-coupling circuit : Second order approximation. 3.10. Calculation of load impedance with quasi-coupling. 3.11. Small coupling approximation of second order quasi-coupling. 3.12. General 3D scattering process using cell notation.
  • 3.13. Complete iterative equations. 3.14. Contribution of electric and magnetic fields to the total energy. Plane wave behavior. 3.15. Response of 2D cell matrix to input plane wave. 3.16. Response of 2D cell matrix to input waves with arbitrary amplitudes. 3.17. Response of 3D cell matrix to input plane wave. 3.18. Final comments of uniform waves versus plane waves
  • 4. Corrections for plane waves and grid anisotropy effects. 4.1. Partition of TLM waves into component waves. 4.2. Scattering corrections for 2D plane waves : Plane wave correlations between cells. 4.3. Changes to 2D scattering coefficients. Corrections to plane wave correlations. 4.4. Correlation of waves in adjoining media with differing dielectric constants. 4.5 Modification of wave correlation adjacent a conducting boundary. Decorrelation processes. 4.6. Decorrelation due to sign disparity of plane and symmetric waves. 4.7. Related scattering criteria and sign conditions for removal of the sign disparity. 4.8. Minimal solution using differing decorrelation factors to remove sign disparities. 4.9. Decorrelation of forward and backward plane waves with same polarity in neighboring series TLM lines without losses. 4.10. Decorrelation of forward and backward plane waves with the same polarity occupying the same TLM line. 4.11. Decorrelation treatment at boundary interfaces. 4.12. Comments on interaction of plane wave front with a half-infinite conducting plane. 4.13. Summary of correlation/decorrelation processes. Treatment of grid orientation effects. 4.14. Dependence of wave energy dispersal on grid orientation for symmetric and plane waves. 4.15. Selection of grid for plane waves. 4.16. Transformation properties between grids. 4.17. Possible mini-plane wave fronts associated with each cell. Plane wave partitioning. Grid(s) selection.
  • Propagation vector independence. 4.18. Transformation of fields to principal grid. 4.19. Incorporation of symmetric waves. 4.20. Iteration method using principal grid transformations. 4.21. Treatment of separate TLM correlated wave sources. 4.22. Final comments
  • 5. Boundary conditions and dispersion. 5.1. Dielectric-dielectric interface. Node coupling : Nearest node and multi-coupled node approximations. 5.2. Nearest nodes for 1D interface. 5.3. Nearest nodes at 2D interface. 5.4. Truncated cells and oblique interface. 5.5. Cell index notation at a dielectric interface used in simulations. 5.6. Simplified iteration neglecting the nearest node approximation. 5.7. Non-uniform dielectric. Use of cluster cells. Other boundary conditions. 5.8. Dielectric
  • Open circuit interface. 5.9. Dielectric
  • Conductor interface. 5.10. Input/output conditions. 5.11. Composite transmission line. 5.12. Determination of initial static field by TLM method. Dispersion. 5.13. TLM methods for treating dispersion. 5.14. Dispersion sources. 5.15. Dispersion example. 5.16. Propagation velocity dispersion. 5.17. Node resistance dispersion. 5.18. Anomalous dispersion. Incorporation of dispersion into TLM formulation. 5.19. Dispersion approximations. 5.20. Outline of dispersion calculation using the TLM method. 5.21. One dimensional dispersion iteration. 5.22. Initial conditions with dispersion present. 5.23. Stability of initial profiles with dispersion present. 5.24. Replacement of non-uniform field in cell with effective uniform field
  • 6. Cell discharge properties and integration of transport phenomena into the transmission line matrix. 6.1. Charge transfer between cells. 6.2. Relationship between field and cell charge. 6.3. Dependence of conductivity on carrier properties. Integration of carrier transport using TLM notation. Changes in cell occupancy and its effect on the TLM iteration. 6.4. General continuity equations. 6.5. Carrier generation due to light activation. 6.6. Carrier generation due to avalanching : Identical hole and electron drift velocities. 6.7. Avalanching with differing hole and electron drift velocities. 6.8. Two step generation process. 6.9. Recombination. 6.10. Limitations of simple exponential recovery model. 6.11. Carrier drift. 6.12. Cell charge iteration. Equivalence of drift and inter-cell currents using TLM notation. 6.13. Carrier diffusion. 6.14. Frequency of transport iteration. 6.15. Total contribution to changes in carrier cell occupancy.
  • 7. Description of TLM iteration. 7.1. Specification of geometry. 7.2. Use of TLM matrix. 7.3. Various regions which incorporate plane wave correlation/decorrelation (PWC effects) into the iteration. 7.4. Simplified decorrelation procedure used for simulations in Chapter VII. 7.5. Description of inputs, arrays, and initial conditions. 7.6. Plane wave correllation (PWC) inputs. 7.7. Iteration outline. 7.8. Node resistance R(n, m) changes. Use of light activation. Symmetric scattering simulations. 7.9. Symmetric field evolution with and without node activation. PWC simulations. Comparison of PWC and symmetric results. 7.10. Comparison of output waveforms and static profiles for symmetric and PWC simulations. 7.11. Comparison of forward and backward waves when using wave correlation. 7.12. Risetime and alternating field effects in the guided region. 7.13. Field profile evolution during transient charge-up phase. 7.14. Effect of load mismatch on output and field profiles. 7.15. Node recovery and its effect on output pulse and field profile. 7.16. Effects of risetime on conductivity. 7.17. Partial activation of nodes and effect on profiles and output. 7.18. Cell charge following recovery. 7.19. Role of TLM waves at charged boundary. 7.20. Incorporation of 3D scattering parameters into 2D iteration. Application to magnetostatic solutions. 7.21. Summary : Comparison of PWC and symmetric simulation results
  • 8. Spice solutions. 8.1. Photoconductive/avalanche switch. 8.2. Traveling wave marx generator. 8.3. Traveling marx wave in a layered dielectric. Pulse transformation and generation using non-uniform transmission lines. 8.4. Use of cell chain to simulate pulse transformer. 8.5. Pulse transformer simulation results. 8.6. Pulse source using non-uniform TLM lines (switch at output). 8.7. Radial pulse source (switch at output). 8.8. Pulse sources with gain (PFXL sources). Darlington pulser. 8.9. TLM formulation of Darlington pulser. 8.10. SPICE simulation of lossy Darlington pulser.