Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Contents""; ""Foreword""; ""Acknowledgements""; ""Introduction""; ""1. Self-knowledge and aesthetic consciousness in Ibsen and Hegel""; ""2. The Gyntian self""; ""3. The concept of Â"IÂ" in Henrik Ibsenâ€?s Peer Gynt""; ""4. Reflections on the relationship between Ibsenâ€?s character Peer Gynt and Edvard Munchâ€?s perception of the self""; ""5. Narrative identity and a question of character in Ibsenâ€?s Rosmersholm""; ""6. The dialogic self in A Dollâ€?s House and The Wild Duck""; ""7. The emergence of androgynous women in A Dollâ€?s House and The Lady from the Sea""
  • ""8. Carp, the mermaid and the female self: Ethical thinking of gender norms in The Lady from the Sea""""9. The notion of moderation and Ibsenâ€?s criticism of the average man""; ""10. Staging the epic self: Theatricality, philosophy and personality in Brand and Peer Gynt""; ""11. Emotions and the modern self in Ibsenâ€?s poetry""; ""12. Danse Macabre: John Gabriel Borkmanâ€?s self in eco-critical perspective""; ""13. The childâ€?s deformity and the motherâ€?s role â€? A study of female identity in Henrik Ibsenâ€?s Little Eyolf""
  • ""14. Seeing Nora in your mirror: The role of theatrical characters in the playing of self""""15. Control, surrender and self-transcendence: Notes on Shakespeareâ€?s The Tempest and Ibsenâ€?s The Master Builder""; ""16. Portrayal of the modern self in When We Dead Awaken""; ""17. Ibsen in Dublin: A Nordic contribution to Irish modernity""; ""18. Master in reflection: An analysis of Lin Zhaohuaâ€?s The Master Builder""; ""19. Ibsenâ€?s Nora re-presented: Female body and identities in China Doll""; ""20. Self and non-self: A Japanese view on Brand and Peer Gynt""; ""Notes on contributors""