
Topological Library - Part 2 : Characteristic Classes And Smooth Structures On Manifolds.

This is the second of a three-volume set collecting the original and now-classic works in topology written during the 1950s-1960s. The original methods and constructions from these works are properly documented for the first time in this book. No existing book covers the beautiful ensemble of method...

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Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: World Scientific 2009.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover13;
  • Contents
  • S.P. Novikovs Preface
  • 1 J. Milnor. On manifolds homeomorphic to the 7-sphere
  • 167; 1. The invariant 955;(M7)
  • 167; 2. A partial characterization of the n-sphere
  • 167; 3. Examples of 7-manifolds
  • 167; 4. Miscellaneous results
  • References
  • 2 M. Kervaire and J. Milnor. Groups of homotopy spheres. I
  • 167;1. Introduction
  • 167; 2. Construction of the group 920;n
  • 167; 3. Homotopy spheres are s-parallelizable
  • 167; 4. Which homotopy spheres bound parallelizable manifolds?
  • 167; 5. Spherical modifications
  • 167; 6. Framed sphericalmodifications
  • 167; 7. The groups bP2k
  • 167; 8. A cohomology operation
  • References
  • 3 S.P. Novikov. Homotopically equivalent smooth manifolds
  • Introduction
  • Chapter I. The fundamental construction
  • 167; 1. Morses surgery
  • 167; 2. Relative 960;-manifolds
  • 167; 3. The general construction
  • 167; 4. Realization of classes
  • 167; 5. The manifolds in one class
  • 167; 6. Onemanifold in different classes
  • Chapter II. Processing the results
  • 167; 7. The Thom space of a normal bundle. Its homotopy structure
  • 167; 8. Obstructions to a di.eomorphism of manifolds having the same homotopy type and a stable normal bundle
  • 167; 9. Variation of a smooth structure keeping triangulation preserved
  • 167; 10. Varying smooth structure and keeping the triangulation preserved. Morse surgery
  • Chapter III. Corollaries and applications
  • 167; 11. Smooth structures on Cartesian product of spheres
  • 167; 12. Low-dimensional manifolds. Cases n = 4, 5, 6, 7
  • 167; 13. Connected sum of a manifold with Milnors sphere
  • 167; 14. Normal bundles of smooth manifolds
  • Appendix 1. Homotopy type and Pontrjagin classes
  • Appendix 2. Combinatorial equivalence and Milnors microbundle theory
  • Appendix 3. On groups
  • Appendix 4. Embedding of homotopy spheres into Euclidean space and the suspension stable homomorphism
  • References
  • 4 S.P. Novikov. Rational Pontrjagin classes. Homeomorphism and homotopy type of closed manifolds
  • Introduction
  • 167; 1. Signature of a cycle and its properties
  • 167; 2. The basic lemma
  • 167; 3. Theorems on homotopy invariance. Generalized signature theorem
  • 167; 4. The topological invariance theorem
  • 167; 5. Consequences of the topological invariance theorem
  • Appendix (V.A. Rokhlin). Diffeomorphisms of the manifold S2 215; S3
  • References
  • 5 S.P. Novikov. On manifolds with free abelian fundamental group and their applications (Pontrjagin classes, smooth structures, high-dimensional knots)
  • Introduction
  • 167; 1. Formulation of results
  • 167; 2. The proof scheme of main theorems
  • 167; 3. A geometrical lemma
  • 167; 4. An analog of the Hurewicz theorem
  • 167; 5. The functor P = Homc and its application to the study of homology properties of degree one maps
  • 167; 6. Stably freeness of kernel modules under the assumptions of Theorem 3
  • 167; 7. The homology effect of a Morse surgery
  • 167; 8. Proof of Theorem 3
  • 167; 9. Proof of Theorem 6
  • 167; 10. One generalization of Theorem 5
  • Appendix 1. On the signature formula
  • Appendix 2. Unsolved questions concerning characteristic class theory
  • Appendix 3. Algebraic remarks about the functor P = Homc
  • References
  • 6 R. Kirby. Stable homeomorphisms and the annulus conjecture.