Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 106th Congress: Enactment of 2002 of the Victims of Traffickingand Violence Protection Act of 2000 (VTVPA)107th Congress: Additional Cases Added to 2002 and Attachmentof Assets Allowed in Other Cases; Bush Administration's Proposed Compensation Alternative; THE SEARCH FOR A CAUSE OF ACTION:CICIPPIO-PULEO V. IRAN; IRAN HOSTAGES CASE:ROEDER V. ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN; Judicial Proceedings; Efforts to Abrogate the Algiers Accords; IRAQ: LAWSUITS INVOLVINGACTS OF SADDAM HUSSEIN REGIME; Confiscation of Blocked Assets for Reconstruction; POW Lawsuit: Acree v. Republic of Iraq.
  • Proposed Legislation: 108th and 109th CongressesOther Cases Against Iraq; Effect of FY2008 NDAA, 1083 on Iraq and Cases Pending; MINISTRY OF DEFENSE (IRAN) V. ELAHI; 109TH CONGRESS: PROPOSED LEGISLATION; 110TH CONGRESS; The National Defense Authorization Act for FY2008, 1083; The Consolidated Appropriations Act, P.L. 110-161 (Libya); Proposals to Waive 1083 for Former State Sponsors of Terrorism; Other Bills in the 110th Congress; SUITS AGAINST THE UNITED STATES FOR"TERRORIST" ACTS; CONCLUSION; APPENDIX A. JUDGMENTS AGAINST TERRORIST STATES; APPENDIX B. ASSETS OF TERRORIST STATES.