
Spring 2. 5 Aspect Oriented Programming.

Create dynamic, feature-rich, and robust enterprise applications using the Spring framework.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Dessì, Massimiliano (Autor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Birmingham : Packt Pub. Feb. 2009.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Understanding AOP concepts; Limits of object-oriented programming; Code scattering; Code tangling; The AOP solution; What Spring provides in terms of AOP; Programmatic way; Before advice; After returning advice; Around advice; After throwing advice; The old Spring XML way; AOP with IoC in Spring 2.5; AspectJ annotations; Before advice; After returning advice; Around advice; After (finally) advice; After throwing advice; Schema-based configuration; Before advice; After advice; After returning advice; After throwing advice; Around advice; Summary
  • Chapter 2: Spring AOP ComponentsAspect; Pointcut; Pointcut and its components; NameMatchMethodPointcut; RegexpMethodPointcut; StaticMethodMatcherPointcut; DynamicMethodMatcherPointcut; Operations on Pointcut; ComposablePointcut; ControlFlowPointcut; Pointcut constants; Joinpoint; Advice; Before advice; After returning advice; After throwing advice; Advisor; Introductions; Summary; Chapter 3: Spring AOP Proxies; Proxy; JDK proxy; CGLIB proxy; Creating proxies programmatically; ClassicProxy; AspectJProxy; ProxyFactoryBean; ProxyFactoryBean and proxies; ProxyFactoryBean in action
  • Advised objectsAutoproxy; Autoproxy with classic Spring; BeanNameAutoProxyCreator; DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator; AbstractAdvisorAutoProxyCreator; AutoProxyCreator with metadata; Autoproxy with AspectJ; Autoproxy with annotation; Autoproxy with XML Schema; Target sources; Hot swappable target sources; Pooling target sources; Prototype target sources; ThreadLocal target source; Summary; Chapter 4: AspectJ Support; AspectJ annotations; Aspect; Pointcut; execution; within; this; target; args; @target; @args; @ within; @ annotation; bean; Selection on methods' names
  • Selection on types of argumentSelection on type of return; Selection on declared exceptions; Selection on hierarchy; Selection on annotations; Binding advice arguments; JoinPoint; Binding arguments; Binding of return values; Exception binding; Annotation binding; Advice; @Before; @AfterReturning; @AfterThrowing; @After; @Around; Introduction; XML Schema-based configuration; Aspect; Pointcut; Advice; Before advice; After returning advice; After throwing advice; After (finally) advice; Around advice; Introduction; Advisors; Recipes; Dependency injection in domain objects; Advice ordering
  • Configuration mixinAspect instantiation model; AspectJ weaving in Spring; Load-time weaving with Spring; Load-time weaving with AspectJ; AOP strategy considerations; Summary; Chapter 5: Design with AOP; Concurrency with AOP; Transparent caching with AOP; Security with AOP; Securing methods with security interceptors; Securing methods with pointcuts; Securing methods with annotations; Summary; Chapter 6: Three-tier Spring Application, Domain-Driven Design; Domain-Driven Design; Roles and responsibilities; Entities; Aggregates; Modules; Value objects; Factories; Repositories; Services