
The voyage of John Huyghen van Linschoten to the East Indies : from the old English translation of 1598, the first book containing his description of the East. Volume II /

Bibliographic Details
Call Number:Libro Electrónico
Main Author: Linschoten, Jan Huygen van, 1563-1611
Other Authors: Tiele, Pieter Anton, 1834-1882
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: Farnham, Surrey : Ashgate, 2010.
Series:Works issued by the Hakluyt Society ; 1st ser., no. 70-71.
Online Access:Texto completo
Table of Contents:
  • ""Cover""; ""Contents""; ""Chap XLVI ""Of the Elephant""""; ""Chap XLVII ""Of the Abadas or Rhinoceros""""; ""Chap XLVIII ""Of the Fishes and other beastes in the Seas of India""""; ""Chap XLIX ""Of all fruits, trees, plants, and common hearbs in India, and first of a [certain] fruit called Ananas""""; ""Chap L ""Of laqua or laacca""""; ""Chap LI ""Of Mangas""""; ""Chap LII "" Of Cajous""""; ""Chap LIII ""Of Jambos""""; ""Chap LIV ""Of other fruites in India""""; ""Chap LV "" Of the Indian Figges""""; ""Chap LVI ""Of the Palme trees, whereon the Indian Nuts called Cocus doe grow""""
  • ""Chap LVII ""Of the Duryoens, a fruit of Malacca""""""Chap LVIII ""Of the tree Arbore de Rays, that is, root tree, and the Bambus or reede of India""""; ""Chap LIX ""Of the tree called Arbore Triste""""; ""Chap LX ""Of the Bettele leaves, & the fruit Arecca""""; ""Chap XLI ""Of the Hearbe Dutroa, and a Plant called Herba Sentida, or the feeling Hearbe""""; ""Chap XLII ""Of spices, drugges, plants and stuffes for Physitions and Apothecaries ... """"; ""Chap LXIII ""Of Cinamorn""""; ""Chap LXIV ""Of Ginger""""; ""Chap LXV ""Of Cloves""""
  • ""Chap LXVI ""Of Mace, Folie, or flowers of Nutmegges, and [of] Nutmegges""""""Chap LXVII ""Of Cardamomum""""; ""Chap LXVIII ""Of Lacke [or hard Waxe].""""; ""Chap LXIX ""Of Annil or Indigo""""; ""Chap LXX ""Of Amber, Muske, Algallia or Civet""""; ""Chap LXXI ""Of Benioin""""; ""Chap LXXII ""Of Frankensence and Mirre""""; ""Chap LXXIII ""Of Mannan and Rhubarbe""""; ""Chap LXXIV ""Of the wood called Sanders""""; ""Chap LXXV ""Of Palo de Cebra or Snakewood""""; ""Chap LXXVI ""Of the wood Calamba or Lignum Aloes""""; ""Chap LXXVII ""Of the root China""""
  • ""Chap LXXVIII ""Of Amfion, alias Opium""""""Chap LXXIX ""Of Bangue""""; ""Chap LXXX ""Of Cauiphora""""; ""Chap LXXXI ""Of Tamarinio""""; ""Chap LXXXII ""Of Mirabolanes""""; ""Chap LXXXIII ""Of other Spices and Hearbes in India""""; ""Chap LXXXIV ""Of all sorts of Pearles ... """"; ""Chap LXXXV ""Of Diamonds""""; ""Chap LXXXVI ""Of Rubies, Espinelles, Granades, Emeralds, and other precious stones""""; ""Chap LXXXVII ""Of the Bezar stones, and other [stones good] against poyson""""
  • ""Chap LXXXVIII ""A [briefe] instruction how to know [and find out] the right Diamarites, Rubies, Emeralds, Pearls, & other precious stones ... """"""Chap LXXXIX ""Of Rubies""""; ""Chap XC ""Of the oriental & old Emeralds, for that those that are found in the Islandes of the Spanish Indies ... """"; ""Chap XCI ""Of Orientale Pearles""""; ""Chap XCII ""Of certaine memorable thinges [passed] in India during my residence there""""; ""Chap XCIII ""Of my voyage and departure from India to Portingale""""; ""Chap CXIV ""A briefe description of the Hand Saint Helena""""