Culture wars : an encyclopedia of issues, viewpoints, and voices /
Although openness and inclusion are cornerstones of life in the United States, intolerance and reactionary politics are also very real. As the nation prepares to elect a new president, The Culture Wars addresses the key defining issues of contemporary American society through the lens of political a...
Clasificación: | Libro Electrónico |
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Formato: | Electrónico eBook |
Idioma: | Inglés |
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Armonk, N.Y. :
M.E. Sharpe,
Colección: | Gale virtual reference library.
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Acceso en línea: | Texto completo |
Tabla de Contenidos:
- v. 1. Introduction: Culture Wars: Rhetoric and Reality
- Abortion
- Abu Ghraib and Gitmo
- Academic Bill of Rights
- Academic Freedom
- Adler, Mortimer J.
- Affirmative Action
- Afrocentrism
- Age Discrimination
- Agnew, Spiro T.
- Alexander, Jane
- Ali, Muhammad
- American Century
- American Civil Liberties Union
- American Civil Religion
- American Exceptionalism
- American Indian Movement
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Androgyny
- Angelou, Maya
- Animal Rights
- Anti-Intellectualism
- Anti-Semitism
- Arnold, Ron
- Arrow, Tre
- Aryan Nations
- Atwater, Lee
- Automobile Safety
- Baez, Joan
- Bankruptcy Reform
- Barbie Doll
- Battle of Seattle
- Beauty Pageants
- Behe, Michael J.
- Bell Curve, The
- Bennett, William J.
- Biafra, Jello
- Biotech Revolution
- Birth Control
- Black Panther Party
- Black Radical Congress
- Blackface
- Bob Jones University
- Bono
- Book Banning
- Boy Scouts of America
- Bradley, Bill
- Brock, David
- Brokaw, Tom
- Brown, Helen Gurley
- Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
- Bryant, Anita
- Buchanan, Pat
- Buckley, William F., Jr.
- Budenz, Louis F.
- Bullard, Robert D.
- Bunche, Ralph
- Bush Family
- Busing, School
- Byrd, Robert C.
- Campaign Finance Reform
- Campolo, Anthony "Tony"
- Canada
- Capital Punishment
- Carson, Rachel
- Carter, Jimmy
- Catholic Church
- Censorship
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Chambers, Whittaker
- Charter Schools
- Chávez, Céacute}esar
- Cheney Family
- Chicago Seven
- Chick, Jack
- China
- Chisholm, Shirley
- Chomsky, Noam
- Christian Coalition
- Christian Radio
- Christian Reconstructionism
- Christmas
- Church and State
- Churchill, Ward
- Civil Rights Movement
- Clinton, Bill
- Clinton, Hillary
- Clinton Impeachment
- Cold War
- Colson, Chuck
- Columbus Day
- Comic Books
- Comic Strips
- Commager, Henry Steele
- Common Cause
- Commoner, Barry
- Communists and Communism
- Comparable Worth
- Compassionate Conservatism
- Confederate Flag
- Conspiracy Theories
- Contemporary Christian Music
- Contract with America
- Corporate Welfare
- Coulter, Ann
- Counterculture
- Country Music
- Creationism and Intelligent Design
- Cronkite, Walter
- Cuba
- Culture Jamming
- Dean, Howard
- Dean, James
- Dean, John
- Deconstructionism
- DeLay, Tom
- Deloria, Vine, Jr.
- Demjanjuk, John
- Democratic Party
- Diversity Training
- Dobson, James
- Donahue, Phil
- Douglas, William O.
- Dr. Phil
- Drudge Report
- Drug Testing
- D'Souza, Dinesh
- Du Bois, W.E.B.
- Dukakis, Michael
- Duke, David
- Dworkin, Andrea
- Dylan, Bob
- Earth Day
- Ecoterrorism
- Education Reform
- Ehrenreich, Barbara
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.
- Election of 2000
- Election of 2008
- Endangered Species Act
- English as the Official Language
- Enola Gay Exhibit
- Environmental Movement
- Equal Rights Amendment
- Evangelicalism
- Executive Compensation
- Factory Farms
- Faith-Based Programs
- Falwell, Jerry
- Family Values
- Farrakhan, Louis
- Federal Budget Deficit
- Federal Communications Commission
- Felt, W. Mark
- Feminism, Second-Wave
- Feminism, Third-Wave
- Ferraro, Geraldine
- Flag Desecration
- Fleiss, Heidi
- Flynt, Larry
- Focus on the Family
- Fonda, Jane
- Food and Drug Administration
- Ford, Gerald
- Foreman, Dave
- Forests, Parklands, and Federal Wilderness
- Foucault, Michel
- Founding Fathers
- France
- Frank, Barney
- Franken, Al
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
- Freedom of Information Act
- Friedan, Betty
- Friedman, Milton
- Fundamentalism, Religious
- Fur
- Galbraith, John Kenneth
- Gangs
- Gay Capital
- Gay Rights Movement
- Gays in Popular Culture
- Gays in the Military
- Gender-Inclusive Language
- Generations and Generational Conflict
- Genetically Modified Foods
- Gibson, Mel
- Gilmore, Gary
- Gingrich, Newt
- Ginsberg, Allen
- Global Warming
- Globalization
- Goetz, Bernhard
- Goldwater, Barry
- González, Elián
- Gore, Al
- Graffiti
- Graham, Billy
- Great Books
- Great Society
- Guardian Angels
- Gun Control
- Guthrie, Woody, and Arlo Guthrie
- Haley, Alex
- Hall, Gus
- Hargis, Billy
- Harrington, Michael
- Hart, Gary
- Harvey, Paul
- Hate Crimes
- Hauerwas, Stanley
- Hay, Harry
- Hayden, Tom
- Health Care
- Heavy Metal
- Hefner, Hugh
- Heller, Joseph
- Helms, Jesse
- Heritage Foundation
- Hightower, Jim
- Hill, Anita
- Hill, Julia "Butterfly"
- Hillsdale College
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- Hispanic Americans
- Hiss, Alger
- Hoffman, Abbie
- Hollywood Ten
- Holocaust
- Homeschooling
- Hooks, Bell
- Hoover, J. Edgar
- Horowitz, David
- Horton, Willie
- Human Rights
- Humphrey, Hubert H.
- Hunter, James Davison
- Huntington, Samuel P.
- Hurricane Katrina
- Hutchins, Robert M.
- Illegal Immigrants
- Immigration Policy
- Indian Casinos
- Indian Sport Mascots
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- Internet
- Iran-Contra Affair
- Irvine, Reed
- Israel
- Jackson, Jesse
- Jackson, Michael
- Japan
- Jehovah's Witnesses
- Jesus People Movement
- John Birch Society
- Johnson, Lyndon B.
- Jorgensen, Christine
- Judicial Wars
- Kennedy Family
- Kerouac, Jack
- Kerry, John
- Kevorkian, Jack
- Keyes, Alan
- King, Billie Jean
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- King, Rodney
- Kinsey, Alfred
- Klein, Naomi
- Koop, C. Everett
- Kristol, Irving, and Bill Kristol
- Krugman, Paul
- Kubrick, Stanley
- Kushner, Tony
- Kwanzaa
- Kyoto Protocol
- La Follette, Robert, Jr.
- La Raza Unida
- Labor Unions
- LaHaye, Tim, and Beverly LaHaye
- Lapin, Daniel
- LaRouche, Lyndon H., Jr.
- Lear, Norman
- Leary, Timothy
- Lee, Spike
- LeMay, Curtis
- Leopold, Aldo
- Lesbians
- Lewis, Bernard
- Liddy, G. Gordon
- Limbaugh, Rush
- Literature, Film, and Drama
- Lott, Trent
- Love Canal
- Loving, Richard, and Mildred Loving
- Lynching.
- v. 2. MacKinnon, Catharine
- Madonna
- Mailer, Norman
- Malcolm X
- Manson, Marilyn
- Mapplethorpe, Robert
- Marriage Names
- Marxism
- McCain, John
- McCarthy, Eugene
- McCarthy, Joseph
- McCar Thyism
- McCloskey, Deirdre
- McGovern, George
- McIntire, Carl
- McLuhan, Marshall
- McVeigh, Timothy
- Mead, Margaret
- Media Bias
- Medical Malpractice
- Medical Marijuana
- Medved, Michael
- Men's Movement
- Mexico
- Microsoft
- Migrant Labor
- Militia Movement
- Milk, Harvey
- Millett, Kate
- Million Man March
- Miranda Rights
- Mondale, Walter
- Montana Freemen
- Moore, Michael
- Moore, Roy S.
- Moral Majority
- Morgan, Robin
- Morrison, Toni
- Mothers Against Drunk Driving
- Motion Picture Association of America
- Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
- Ms.
- Multicultural Conservatism
- Multiculturalism and Ethnic Studies
- Mumford, Lewis
- Murdoch, Rupert
- Murrow, Edward R.
- Muslim Americans
- My Lai Massacre
- Nader, Ralph
- Nation, The
- Nation of Islam
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
- National Endowment for the Arts
- National Endowment for the Humanities
- National Organization for Women
- National Public Radio
- National Review
- National Rifle Association
- Nelson, Willie
- Neoconservatism
- New Age Movement
- New Deal
- New Journalism
- New Left
- New York Times, The
- Niebuhr, Reinhold
- Nixon, Richard
- Norquist, Grover
- North, Oliver
- Not Dead Yet
- Nuclear Age
- Obama, Barack
- Obesity Epidemic
- Occupational Safety
- O'Connor, Sandra Day
- O'Hair, Madalyn Murray
- O.J. Simpson Trial
- Operation Rescue
- Oppenheimer, J. Robert
- O'Reilly, Bill
- Outing
- Pack wood, Bob
- Paglia, Camille
- Palin, Sarah
- Parks, Rosa
- Penn, Sean
- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
- Perot, H. Ross
- Phelps, Fred
- Philadelphia, Mississippi
- Pipes, Richard, and Daniel Pipes
- Planned Parenthood
- Podhoretz, Norman
- Police Abuse
- Political Correctness
- Pornography
- Postmodernism
- Premillennial Dispensationalism
- Presidential Pardons
- Prison Reform
- Privacy Rights
- Privatization
- Progressive Christians Uniting
- Promise Keepers
- Public Broadcasting Service
- Punk Rock
- Quayle, Dan
- Race
- Racial Profiling
- Rand, Ayn
- Rap Music
- Rather, Dan
- Reagan, Ronald
- Record Warning Labels
- Red and Blue States
- Redford, Robert
- Redneck
- Reed, Ralph
- Rehnquist, William H.
- Relativism, Moral
- Religious Right
- Reparations, Japanese Internment
- Republican Party
- Revisionist History
- Right to Counsel
- Right to Die
- Robertson, Pat
- Rock and Roll
- Rockwell, George Lincoln
- Rockwell, Norman
- Rodman, Dennis
- Roe v. Wade (1973)
- Rosenberg, Julius, and Ethel Rosenberg
- Rove, Karl
- Ruby Ridge Incident
- Rudolph, Eric
- Rusher, William A.
- Ryan, George
- Said, Edward
- Same-Sex Marriage
- Sanders, Bernie
- Saudi Arabia
- Schaeffer, Francis
- Schiavo, Terri
- Schlafly, Phyllis
- Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.
- School of the Americas
- School Prayer
- School Shootings
- School Vouchers
- Schwarzenegger, Arnold
- Science Wars
- Secular Humanism
- Seeger, Pete
- September 11
- September 11 Memorial
- Serrano, Andres
- Sex Education
- Sex Offenders
- Sexual Assault
- Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Revolution
- Sharpton, Al
- Sheen, Fulton J.
- Shelley, Martha
- Shepard, Matthew
- Shock Jocks
- Sider, Ron
- Silent Majority
- Simpsons, The
- Smoking in Public
- Socarides, Charles
- Social Security
- Sodomy Laws
- Sokal Affair
- Soros, George
- Southern Baptist Convention
- Soviet Union and Russia
- Sowell, Thomas
- Speech Codes
- Spock, Benjamin
- Springsteen, Bruce
- Starr, Kenneth
- Stay-at-Home Mothers
- Steinbeck, John
- Steinem, Gloria
- Stem-Cell Research
- Stern, Howard
- Stewart, Jon
- Stone, Oliver
- Stonewall Rebellion
- Strategic Defense Initiative
- Strauss, Leo
- Structuralism and Post-Structuralism
- Student Conservatives
- Students for a Democratic Society
- Summers, Lawrence
- Supply-Side Economics
- Symbionese Liberation Army
- Taft, Robert A.
- Talk Radio
- Tax Reform
- Televangelism
- Teller, Edward
- Ten Commandments
- Terkel, Studs
- Thanksgiving Day
- Think Tanks
- Third Parties
- Thomas, Clarence
- Thompson, Hunter S.
- Three Mile Island Accident
- Thurmond, Strom
- Till, Emmett
- Tobacco Settlements
- Tort Reform
- Transgender Movement
- Truman, Harry S.
- Turner, Ted
- Twenty-Second Amendment
- Unabomber
- United Nations
- Ventura, Jesse
- Victimhood
- Vidal, Gore
- Vietnam Veterans Against the War
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial
- Vietnam War
- Vigilantism
- Voegelin, Eric
- Voting Rights Act
- Waco Siege
- Wall Street Journal, The
- Wallace, George
- Wallis, Jim
- Wal-Mart
- Walt Disney Company
- War on Drugs
- War on Poverty
- War Powers Act
- War Protesters
- War Toys
- Warhol, Andy
- Warren, Earl
- Warren, Rick
- Washington Times, The
- Watergate
- Watt, James
- Watts and Los Angeles Riots, 1965 and 1992
- Wayne, John
- Wealth Gap
- Weekly Standard, The
- Welfare Reform
- Wellstone, Paul
- West, Cornel
- Weyrich, Paul M.
- Whistleblowers
- White, Reggie
- White Supremacists
- Wildmon, Donald
- Will, George
- Williams, William Appleman
- Wilson, Edmund
- Winfrey, Oprah
- Wolf, Naomi
- Wolfe, Tom
- Women in the Military
- Women's Studies
- Woodward, Bob
- World
- World Council of Churches
- World War II Memorial
- Wounded Knee Incident
- Young, Neil
- Zappa, Frank
- Zero Tolerance
- Zinn, Howard.