Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Machine generated contents note: ch. 1 Issues and Options in Infrastructure Investment / Peter R. Orszag
  • ch. 2 Budgeting for Capital Investment, Statement of Rudolph G. Penner, The Urban Institute, Washington DC, before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (June 10, 2008)
  • ch. 3 Redressing America's Public Infrastructure Deficit: Testimony of Bernard L. Schwartz before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (June 10, 2008)
  • ch. 4 Testimony of Allen D. Biehler to the Highways and Transit Subcommittee U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee (June 5, 2008)
  • ch. 5 Testimony of Everett M. Ehrlich before the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure U.S. House of Representatives (June 10, 2008)
  • ch. 6 Remarks of the Honorable Rosa L. DeLauro Testimony on NIDA Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (Tuesday, June 10, 2008).
  • Note continued: ch. 7 Testimony of Mark Florian before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing on Investment in Transportation Infrastructure
  • ch. 8 Testimony of Congressman Earl Blumenauer before the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee "Financing Infrastructure Investments" (June 10, 2008)
  • ch. 9 Congressman Keith Ellison, Statement before the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Hearing on Financing Infrastructure Investments (June 10, 2008)
  • ch. 10 Statement of the Honorable Ken Calvert before the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing on "Financing Infrastructure Investments" (June 10, 2008).
  • Note continued: ch. 11 Testimony of Stephen E. Schlickman, Executive Director for the Northeastern Illinois Regional Transportation Authority, before the Subcommittee on Highways, and Transit of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on Maintaining our Nation's Highway and Transit Infrastructure (June 5, [ect.]
  • ch. 12 Statement of the Honorable Leo Bowman, Commissioner, Benton County, Washington on behalf of the National Association of Counties on Maintaining the Nation's Highway and Transit Infrastructure before the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (June 5, [ect.]
  • ch. 13 Testimony of Linda S. Watson, Chief Executive Officer, Lynx, Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority, before the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit of the U.S. House of Representatives (June 5, 2008).
  • Note continued: ch. 14 Testimony of Michael Allegra before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Highways and Transit Hearing "Maintaining our Nation's Highway and Transit Infrastructure" (June 5, 2008)
  • ch. 15 Testimony of Pete K. Rahn, Missouri Department of Transportation, before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Highways and Transit (June 5, 2008)
  • ch. 16 Statement of the Honorable James L. Oberstar, Hearing on Maintaining our Nation's Highway and Transit Infrastructure, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Highways and Transit (June 5, 2008)
  • ch. 17 Statement of the Honorable Peter A. Defazio, Subcommittee on Highways and Transit, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Hearing on Maintaining our Nation's Highway and Transit Infrastructure (June 5, 2008).