Tabla de Contenidos:
  • "Operation enduring freedom"
  • The Qala-i-Janghi massacre
  • The convoy of death
  • Tora Bora
  • Escape to Pakistan: "Osama's bodyguards"
  • Escape to Pakistan: Saudis and Yemenis
  • Escape to Pakistan: the diaspora
  • Kandahar
  • From Sheberghan to Kandahar
  • Others captured in Afghanistan
  • Guantanamo opens
  • House raids and other arrests in Pakistan
  • The capture of Abu Zubaydah and its aftermath
  • Bagram
  • Torture, abuse, and false confessions in Guantanamo
  • "Extraordinary rendition," "Ghost" prisoners and secret prisons
  • Losing the war in Afghanistan
  • Challenging the law
  • Suicides and hunger strikes
  • Endgame?