Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Women Entrepreneurship and Social Capital; Table of Contents; Preface; Part I Specifics of Women's Entrepreneurship Theory; Chapter 1 Introduction Women Entrepreneurs
  • Creators and Creations of Social Capital; Gendered Entrepreneurs; Social Capital; Structure of the Book; References; Chapter 2 Entrepreneurship in Organization
  • Gender and Social Capital; Introduction; Organizational Entrepreneurship and Social Capital; Gender Approach; Gendered Processes of Organizational Entrepreneurship; Organizational Intrapreneurs; How Organizational Entrepreneurship Gathers Prosperity.
  • Commitment as a Key: Cultures and Identities of OrganizationsStability of Organizational Structure giving Support to Social Capital Accumulation; Discussion and Practical Implications; References; Chapter 3 Gender in Entrepreneurship Research: A Critical Look at the Literature ; Introduction; The Literature; Management Style; Performance; Training Needs; Networking; Balancing Work and Family; Financing; The Limitations of the Studies; Conclusion; References; Chapter 4 From Marginality to Centre Women's Entrepreneurship Policy Challenges Government's Gender Neutrality in Finland.
  • Women Entrepreneurship and Equality Problems in Finnish SocietyFacts and Specifics of Equality and Women Entrepreneurship; Sectored Differences, Small Firms and Lower Security for Self-Employed Women; Horizontal Segregation; Vertical Segregation; Gender Lenses as Methodological Approach from Marginality to Centre; Gender Lenses to Women Entrepreneurship Research; Reality of Men as the Idol and Bases for Women Entrepreneurship Research; The Comparison Phase, Women Compared to Men's Reality; Women Become Visible with their Own Reality; Case Finland: Government Fosters to Break Gender Neutrality.
  • New Demands by the New Act of EqualityThe Entrepreneurship Policy Programme in Finland; Gender Specific Activities in Policy Program; Conclusion; Theoretical and Practical Implications; References; Part II Gendered Nature of the Social Capital in Entrepreneurship; Chapter 5 Organisational Entrepreneurs in the Public Sectors
  • Social Capital and Gender; Introduction; Methodology; Frame of Reference; Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship; Gender; Social Capital; Social Capital and Networks
  • Strong and Weak Ties; The Context
  • The Swedish Public Sector.
  • A Scandinavian Welfare Model in the Age of New Public Management (NPM)County Councils
  • Dominated by Healthcare Professions Municipalities
  • 'ein Mädchen für alles'; Entrepreneurial Employees in the Public Sector; The Elderly Care Entrepreneur The Person; The Vision of the Entrepreneur High Quality and a Bottom-up Perspective; The Healthcare Entrepreneur The Person; The Vision
  • Good Care and an Efficient and Constantly Changing System; Discussion; The Elderly Care Entrepreneur
  • Combining Strong Ties and Bridging.